Chapter 3

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walk away, walk away, my subsconcious yells and freaks out on me.

I turn around, only to be grabbed by him, turning me back to face him and his emerald eyes. I pull my lips into a thin line before I speak up.

"Yes, me." I snap and roll my eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me again, nerd." He replies and mocks me. God, I hate it when he calls me a nerd. Is it written on my forhead or something?

"Don't call me a nerd. I have a name just so you know." I spit my words full of venom, adding a little more volume to my voice, making few people glance at us.

"And that might be, what?" He asks me and raises his thick eyebrows, trying to hold his smile.

I bite my inner cheek, I won't be telling him my name. I know, he'll just make fun of it. I hate him, so much. He's so mean and I haven't even done anything to him.

"Here we go again to the state where you don't talk. Maybe, you could bring me a coffee? You are the new coffee-girl right?" He chuckles.

"Excuse me?" I cough and blink.

"I'm actually a model now. I signed today." I mutter, my voice really low, looking at my shoes.

" A model, you?" He raises his thick eyebrows again and half smiles, emphasizing the 'you' word.

"Well, then we're going to bump to each others more often." He brushes his hand on my cheek softly and winks.

What's with the winking, does he have some kind of problem with his eye?

"Do not touch me-" I say but quickly shut up when Kaiden appears.

"I see you already met Harry Styles, Zoella." Kaiden gestures with his eyes at Harry.

So, his name is Harry.

"Zoella." Harry repeats and a lets out a chuckle, making me shoot a glare at him.

"Stupid." I mutter underneath my breath.

I turn to Kaiden as I hear Harry yelling "I heard that" and I continue walk with Kaiden through the hallway, ignoring Harry's comment.

After explaining what a model does and showing me my work schedules, Kaiden announces that I finally get to go home. That's the only good thing that has happened today.

Home as I don't even know where it is and Sarah has already left. Didn't she think that I'd get lost? Why do I feel like she doesn't like me.

I stand at the car park of the model agency and look at people who drive away in their fancy cars. This is stupid, why did I ever agreed to this. I hug myself, the cold wind is getting underneath my skin, making goosebumps appear all over it.

I feel a little raindrop on the top of my nose, this isn't going to be good.

I wasn't blessed with a good kind of luck.

"All alone?" Raspy voice speaks.

Harry smirks as I look beneath my lashes at him.

"What?" I snap at him, I really don't have time for him to make fun of me.

Just great, now it's raining cats and dogs. Hah, my thoughts are turning british.

"Nothing. I just wondered why you're alone. Are you waiting for someone?" The only response I give him is by shaking my head.

The rain gets heavier by every second. And, my body is shivering from the cold and wetness.

"Where do you live?" He asks me and rubs his jawline.

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