Chapter 20: The Question

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It's been a week since I passed out and revealed more of my past to the boys. Jin and Namjoon both have apologized numerous times since I scolded the oldest in front of everyone.

Going around this morning, I'm passing out breakfast as usual. Going around to find all of the boys, Jimin's on the couch with Tae as they watch something one of their laptops. Jungkook is still in his room though he's dressed to workout after breakfast as he reads a book while waiting for me to bring breakfast around. Hoseok and Namjoon are in the younger boys room as they work on lyrics for a new song. Jin's in his room on his laptop as well.

However, as I go around, I find that Yoongi's not in his room or in the living room with the younger boys. Frowning, there's only one more place that I could think to find him though I'd be surprised to find him there. He's been in there once since I got here and that was the morning after I'd taken him and Jin to the cemetery.

Though, sure enough as I walk into the dance room, I find the black haired boy sat at the piano. A small smile forms on my face as see him there, walking over to him with his breakfast.

"I was beginning to wonder where you'd ran off to." I tell him as I grow close. He looks back at me with a small smile, moving over to make room for me as he takes his dish.

"It's taunting. I've not played in so long." He tells me as I sit down next him.

Yoongi POV

As she sits down next to me, I can feel the odd mix of nerves and comfort that comes with her proximity. Taking the dish from her, we sit in silence for no more than a minute before she reaches out to begin playing it again. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips as I watch her play it, all of it looking and sounding so natural.

Staying silent as I enjoy her company and the beautiful music of the piano, I begin to eat the breakfast she'd prepared. Though, I only eat half before stopping. Knowing her far too well, I reach out and gently stop her hands from moving around the keys. She looks over at me with a curious expression before I hand her my food.

Giving me a look that says to finish, I shake my head. I return a look for her to eat the food and she sighs before giving in. Smiling at the fact that she didn't fight, I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Chae, why do you always where jackets around the house? You know we don't keep the house that cold." I ask curiously, my voice quiet as it cuts through the silence.

"Yoongi, you saw my tattoos last week when you came in while I was still tending to the cuts. It's not exactly the most comforting sight to see the person that's supposed to be helping everyone get better giving off really bad or dark vibes. Namjoon already hadn't been a fan of my appearance when I first got here and that was without seeing my tattoos." She explains softly.

"Does each one have a meaning?" I ask, my voice staying quiet as I allow myself to wonder my questions aloud.

"Every single one of them." She answers, her voice quiet and smooth as she speaks.

"I like your tattoos, Chae. They work really well on you." I tell her, pulling my head off her shoulder as I take the empty dish and set it down on the floor beside of me. She smiles over at me in response. I don't hold eye contact with her for long before I avert my gaze to the piano before us.

She really is beautiful and amazing. Jungkookie and I have alternated this past week to get her to eat half of our breakfast to make sure that she's eating at least something and we do the same during dinner.

Watching the boys this past week as they flow through the house throughout each day, everyone has finally begun to seem a bit happier. The same way they have been for the last couple weeks now. She really has been helping everyone, even myself. Even when I didn't think there was much hope at all for some of us.

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