Chapter 5: Hoseok's Breakthrough

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After going around and making sure everyone's actually eating breakfast, I go back to Hoseok's room. Other than skipping Yoongi, I'm going in order from oldest to youngest to figure out where everyone's going and why.

I don't bother knocking on his door when I reach it, opening it and going straight in since I know he wouldn't answer anyways. He looks over at me tiredly, rolling his eyes at me as he flops back onto his back with his head landing on his pillow as he lays on his bed.

"What do you want now?" He asks with a sigh. He doesn't bother looking over at me as he stares up at the ceiling absentmindedly.

"I just want to talk." I tell him as I sit down on the desk chair he has in here after closing the door behind me. He frowns as he turns his head to look over at me.

"Why? What do you want to talk about? I highly doubt you're here to talk to me about drugs and if you are you can just fuck off." He says, looking back up at the ceiling above him. I shake my head at his words.

"I want to talk to you about why you're doing the drugs. Why you started in the first place. When you started." I explain. He scoffs at my words.

"Go to hell." He responds harshly as his eyes wander around his ceiling.

"Hoseok, I'm trying to help. I can't do that though, if I don't have a clear understanding of where everything fell apart for you." I tell him. He shrugs.

"It started the same place as it did for the entire band. I wouldn't think that it'd be something too hard to figure out." He answers, his voice dripping in annoyance.

"Actually, my understanding is that you were the last one to break. That you didn't start turning to the drugs until after Namjoon had picked up smoking." I correct him. He rolls his eyes at me, shrugging again.

"Oh well." He tells me, not really caring what I have to say apparently. I sigh, growing frustrated.

"Hoseok, let me ask you a couple questions." I say, deciding to attempt to turn to what I'd done with Jin at the end of our conversation yesterday. When he doesn't answer, I start.

"Do you want to end up burying your bandmates? Burying Jimin because he tried again and was successful this time? Burying Jin because he finally drank himself to the early grave that's currently heading his way? Burying Yoongi because he decides that he's finally had enough and that nobody needs him anyways? Burying Jungkook because he lets himself wither away into nothing in fear of gaining any weight since he can't work it off? Watching Taehyung get thrown in prison for finally snapping and killing someone because he decided that they were responsible for Jungkook's accident?" I challenge.

He looks over at me, a heartbroken look in his eyes before looking away from me and back up at the ceiling. Eventually he manages to shake his head at me.

"That's what's going to happen if none of you let me help. Each one of you seem to think that it wouldn't matter if you died or not. But, you're now the second person I've asked that question to and said that you don't want that. You keep down the path you're going, you'll be the one everyone's burying. That would break your family's hearts and it would be the end for the rest of these boys.

"Hoseok, you have to work with me and at least talk this through with me so that I can figure out where you finally fell. I can't help you otherwise." I explain to him. He closes his eyes, tears slowly slipping from the corners as he takes a deep breath.

"You have no idea. You've no idea the pain it brings to watch bandmates who've become like brothers to you just slowly fall one by one. Yoongi falling depressed out of seemingly nowhere. Watching Jiminie try to turn himself into perfection just to make his hyung happy again. The look in Kookie's eyes when he was told he'd never be able to walk again. Watching Tae turn into something almost evil out of anger for Jungkookie. Watching Jin destroy himself, drowning his organs in alcohol every night.

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