Chapter 3: Breakfast Struggles

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Eventually the next day manages to roll around. Other than going out and making everyone dinner, making certain they all ate something, I remained in my room.

I was busy all evening dealing with work, and by the time that finished I needed to sort out a bit of a plan. Eventually, I've finally managed to come up with something though I doubt many of them are going to like this. It's going to be a painful week for the seven of them and myself for that matter.

Leaving my room, it's eight thirty in the morning. I silently head into the kitchen and begin making breakfast for everyone. The entire house is silent as I cook, soon finishing up. Checking the time when the food has cooled to an edible temperature, I find that it's now nine.

It's a reasonable time for everyone to be getting up at this point. I quickly dish out the breakfast for seven before grabbing two dishes and head down to the bedrooms. I knock first on Jin's door as it's the first one.

The growing alcoholic doesn't answer and after the second knock using my foot both times, I balance the dishes on one arm and open the door myself. I mentally wince at the familiar sight before me, Jin laying haphazardly on his bed with an empty bottle in his hand. I sigh as I set both dishes down on his desk before walking over to the boy.

Shaking him gently until he finally wakes, he grumbles incoherent words at me. Finally, he rubs at his eyes and manages to sit himself upright. Looking up at me, he frowns.

"It's time to be getting up. You don't want to sleep the day away and even if you did, it'll make you feel worse when you get up later. I've made breakfast for you. Here's some painkillers for your hangover." I inform him, handing him some medicine before handing him a glass of water and the dish that works best on a stomach that's not well.

"I'm going back to sleep, Chaemin. I'm not eating right now. I feel like shit." He grumbles at me as he takes the medicine and pushes the rest away. I shake my head.

"Kim Seokjin, you're getting up now and you're going to eat. I'm going to leave the room right now so that I can get the rest of the boys up and give them their food. I'm going to come back in here though afterwards to check on each of you to make sure you're awake and eating. Don't let me find you laying back down without your food eaten." I tell him, grabbing the other dish and walking out of the room.

Walking across the hall, I knock on Hoseok's door next. Once again there's no answer and I'm eventually left to open it myself. I go through a similar routine with him before leaving to grab more dishes. Knocking on Namjoon's door, I receive a more successful response as he opens the door.

"Yeah?" He mumbles as he rubs his eyes, standing at the door with sweats hanging low and no shirt.

"It's time to be waking up. I've got breakfast for you." I explain. He nods his head with a yawn as he takes the dish from me.

"Okay. Thank you for making food again. Sorry you're being left to do all of that type of work." He says tiredly.

"There's a reason I'm here, Namjoon. It's not a problem." I say before stepping back. He flicks his room light on before closing the door behind him. Once his door is closed, I turn to the one behind me. Mr. Aggressive. Knocking on the door, I think it's a pillow he throws at the door.

"Fuck off!" He hollers from his bed. I roll my eyes, opening his door. Well, at least somebody's up. Opening his door, I flick his room lights on before walking over to where his angered figure flips around on his bed.

"What the hell do you want? Can you not hear?" He groans angrily as he glares at me.

"You know, working your ass off in the gym like that won't get you anywhere if you aren't feeding your body properly. You'll be damaging it further if anything. Now get up. I've made you breakfast and you don't need to be staying up till the break of dawn working out." I inform him as I hand him his dish. He simply rolls his eyes at me as he takes it.

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