Chapter 17: Work Troubles

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A few nights after discovering Jungkook's secret, it's almost half past eleven at night. Taking a deep breath, he pushes himself back up into his feet and quickly grabs hold of my hands to steady himself.

Carefully, he takes baby steps as we work in the workout room since it has padded flooring. He manages to take about twenty baby steps before he goes down again. He groans in frustration, running a hand through his hair as a yawn escapes him.

"Kookie, I think it's time we take a break for the night. You've been making some amazing progress but you still gotta get your sleep. Your tired and it's part of why you're hardly making any headway at this point." I suggest. He sighing, nodding his head tiredly.

"I don't know how you manage to be up on time every morning to workout with Tae and still seem so wide awake this late. And I know you don't get lots of sleep throughout the nights because of the boys and I." He tells me, shaking his head as he takes my hand and slowly makes his way back to his wheelchair. Smiling the tired boy, I shake my head.

"Magic." I explain, causing both of us to chuckle. Working with him on this at the end of each day these past few days has honestly been great. He's always so excited throughout the day because he knows it's coming and he's always determined each night to make more progress.

As we're about to head towards the door, my phone rings. Frowning, I can't imagine it's anything good.

"Hello?" I answer, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Boss, it's Sahjae. He's fucking lost it. He's holding a gun and waving the damned thing around at all of us. He's wasted and hollering like a mad man." She rushes out no more than a second after I've answered. My eyes widen at her words.

"Shit. I'm on my way. Try to keep him under control but don't get yourself fucking killed." I tell her before hanging up, running out of the room in a panic.

Bursting through to my room, I grab a gun and a few knives as I pull on a different jacket. I hear a few doors open in response to my frantic actions, not thinking twice about making certain I'm silent. Lives are on the line, these boys can lose a little sleep.

I ignore everyone as I run back out of the room and straight out of the house. Running as fast as my legs can carry me, I can only fear the hell that's going on as I make my way there.

"Jingsoh! Stop!" I yell as I reach the alleyway that they're all stood around in. He glares, spinning on his heel as he points the gun at me. I slow my pace down but don't let the gun phase me.

"Put the gun down, Jingsoh. I told you to get your shit out and leave over two months ago." I tell him, returning his glare. He simply chuckles darkly at me and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Slowly walking forward with my hand on my own gun, I keep an eye on the rest of the group behind him. Making the slightest motion for them to run off with my head, he points the gun behind him and fires.

"Get the fuck out of here, Chaemin. You're not needed anymore." He slurs as he points the gun back at me.

"Jingsoh, I don't want to have to fight you. You know you won't win this." I try to reason with him. However, he cackles again before pulling the trigger. Gritting my teeth in pain, the bullet goes straight into my upper arm. Continuing to walk forward, his eyes widen as he drops the gun and stumbles backwards.

"I told you I didn't want to fight, Jingsoh. You won't win." I manage out through my clenched teeth. However, he pulls out a knife this time, beginning to lunge towards me and starting to swing. I manage to avoid most of his attempts but he still gets a few good cuts on me.

Finally having enough of his shit, I begin to fight back. We go back and forth, me landing most of the hits as we go. By the end of it, I end up on top of him, punching him until he's tossed me over his head and onto my back. I refuse myself the ability and time to groan over the bit of pain as I quickly move myself around, holding him in a choke hold with my legs till I can get the rest of my body in the correct position. As he manages to grab a forgotten knife that's laid near us and stabs it into my thigh, I quickly snap his neck.

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