Chapter 15: Fight the Urge

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"How... Do you... Have the... Endurance to go through all of this all day?" Jimin pants as he tries to calm himself down. He'd slipped while we were practicing this evening, using all of his strength not to break down in anger and disappointment towards himself.

"Come on." I help him up and drag him off to towards the wall so that he at least has something to lean against.

His attempting to control his emotions is the main reason for his lack of breath although we'd been training hard the entire time which doesn't help. I've lost track at this point as to how long I've been here at this point, though I know it's at least been over a month. It's not hard to lose track of time when you hardly get sleep and are constantly trying to manage your time between seven boys that keep fighting you on one thing or another each day.

"Jimin, we've been going at this for over a month now. You're going to ask me now how I'm able to keep up with it all?" I ask with a smile. He chuckles at my point, shrugging.

"Fair enough. I guess it's taken this long for it to sink it how busy you are with having your hands full with the seven of us." He attempts to reason. Though we both chuckle at his excuse.

"Jimin, I was busy and active majority of the hours in a day before I came here. This is just a different active for me. Nothing I can't handle. Just a lot of extra working out that I wasn't doing before. But, I manage people for work. Managing the seven of you is only a step above that difficulty." I answer with a smile as I take a sip of water. He smiles, shaking his head at me.

"Chae? I think we kind of need your help. Hyungs are like losing it." Tae rushes into the room. My eyes widen at his words, standing and running out of the room as I follow after him. Following him, I can hear the shouts that are coming from the living room. When I get there, Jin and Hoseok are both at each other's throats as Namjoon paces worriedly with his head ducked in the background.

"HEY!" I holler, managing to get my voice over theirs. All three of them freeze, looking over at me with glares. I ignore the boys that hurry down the hall finally needing to know what in the name of hell is going on.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jin shouts at me angrily, lunging towards me. I duck, missing his punch that he tries to throw, grabbing ahold of him and putting him into a helpless position with him on his knees and an arm twisted behind his back.

"You're fucking insane, you asshole!" Hoseok yells at the older boy before beginning to pace himself. Namjoon doesn't even say anything as he goes back to pacing.

"Enough! All three of you! SIT!" I shout at them, the authority in my voice coming through as I release Jin forcefully. They all look at me like I've lost my mind, though they come around when I point with my finger for them to all take a seat. Looking back at Taehyung, I notice he's got a red mark on his cheek forming.

"Tae, are you okay?" I ask with a frown, walking up to him to touch his cheek. He winces at the touch but doesn't move away as he nods his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just heading to the kitchen to grab some water when I found them in here. After I got in here was when they started raising their voices." He explains. I sigh, nodding my head as I motion for him to take a seat as well. Nobody else in the room moves as I go into the center of the living room with the four of them sat around me.

"Listen, the three of you are all frustrated, right? Oddly angry and whatnot, right?" I question with a sigh, running a hand through my hair tiredly as I already know what they're going through. They all nod their heads.

"Okay. So, what the three of you are dealing with is withdrawal. It's the effects of quitting something that you've grown addicted to. Namjoon, yours from the cigarettes. Hoseok, from the drugs. Jin, from the alcohol. This is going to happen but-" Jin speaks up to cut me off.

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