Chapter 2: Meet Everyone

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The drive to their house is completely silent, the tension in the car thick. When we finally get there, he stops on the side of the road rather than pulling into the driveway. Looking out at the large beautiful house, it's similar to what I'd expected.

"We got them this place after Jungkook's accident. We thought it'd be a good fit, making sure at least that it had what the boys wanted. Whether giving into their demands happen to have been a good or bad decision, it's hard to tell at the moment. Thank you for taking this assignment, Ms. Song. Good luck." He informs me before pulling into the drive.

I simply nod my head, grabbing my duffel bag and heading up to the front door. Knocking on the door, I don't wait more than a minute before it opens to reveal a tall silvery blonde haired boy. He died his hair back to this color after everything had happened and has kept it since. Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon POV

Knowing that manager Nim is supposed to be bringing over the reinforcements people soon, I grudgingly pull myself from my smoky room to the living room. I'm half surprised to find Yoongi sat on the couch waiting some show though, the look in his eyes are still as dead as they have been for the past six months or so now. He generally ends up either here or in his room more often.

I'm not sat in the chair next to the couch he's on for more than probably five minutes before I hear a knock on the door. Sighing, I look over at Yoongi to see if he has any reaction at all. However, when it appears that he hasn't even noticed the knock and is scrolling through his phone haphazardly, I roll my eyes and stand to walk over to the door.

Opening it up part way, I find a girl who looks almost the same height as Yoongi stood there. She's got a medium sized duffel bag in one hand while the other has its thumb hooked in the belt loop on the side.

Looking her over, I'm beginning to doubt just how sane our own manager is at this point. With short smoky pink hair that reminds me of the hair Yoongi had for the I Need You video, she's got her ears double pierced, a lip ring, a nose stud, and is dawning black ripped skinny jeans with full holes at the knees, a dark purple top with a gray jean jacket tossed over it and a black beanie. She looks like she belongs in the darker version of the video for I Need You that we did. How is this supposed to help any of us?

Chaemin POV

"You must be the reinforcements that Manager Nim had discussed." Namjoon finally brings himself to speak. I nod my head.

"Song Chaemin. It's nice to meet you, Namjoon." I respond. He merely sighs, running a hand through his already messy hair as he opens the door all the way for me.

"I'll show you to your room that you'll be staying in and then I can take you around to properly meet each of the boys." He informs me before motioning with his head to follow him down a hall to my left. I nod my head once more as I follow him.

"Alright, as we go through this hall, I'll explain which room is who's. I'm sure for whatever reason or another that you'll want to figure that out, though I'm sure it wouldn't take you too long to sort yourself." He says as he stops after turning the corner in the hall. Nodding my head, I glance down to find four doors on either side.

"Alright. This is Jin's, then across from him is Hoseok's room. Next to Jin is my room. Across from me is Taehyung. Next to my room is Yoongi's room. Across there is Jimin's. Then the last set, now your room I guess and across from you is Jungkook." He explains as we walk down the hall.

He opens my room door for me and I simply toss my bag on the bed that's on the other side of the room before we walk back out.

"Alright. Is there any specific order that you want to meet people in? Or any type of plans for you? I'm sorry, I just don't really know what to expect right now. I figure I want to discuss a matter or two with you after you've met everyone." Namjoon says with a sigh, ruffling his hair with one hand.

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