Chapter 8: Unhappy Taehyung

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I don't bother knocking on the gym door where I know the second youngest is located the next morning. Opening the door with his breakfast, I have no doubts that today is going to be the start of some very very long days.

I already know the propositions that I'll be making today and tomorrow. I already know that Yoongi and Jungkook are going to be pissed at me starting today due to my deal with Jimin from yesterday. It's going to be extremely long.

It doesn't help that I actually got Jimin to try to sleep last night and instead, he woke up five times throughout a six hour period of sleeping from nightmares. I had to help him back to sleep each time before letting him get up so that we could train for an hour before I brought him upstairs with me to make breakfast with me. Now that everyone's up, he's hopefully actually hanging out with either Yoongi or Jungkook.

"Taehyung, I've got breakfast." I say, grabbing his attention. He sighs, rolling his eyes as he walks over. Knowing what he'll do, I pull it from his grasp just before he tries to take it. He glares at my actions.

"You're going to take a break and eat while you and I have a conversation. Come on." I tell him, going and sitting down on one of the workout benches. He groans, rubbing a hand over his face as he follows and sits down across from me on another one.

"What do you want. I told you to leave me alone." He asks in annoyance as I hand him the dish.

"Yes, but I'm here to help so I can't exactly do that." I explain. He rolls his eyes.

"I don't need any help." He snaps as he takes a bite. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"So. You just want to work your way towards becoming similar to your dad? Can't control your temper? You want to end up in prison for the rest of your life when you finally snap and kill someone because of losing your temper for something they say?" I challenge. He shoots me a glare at the possibility.

"How do you know about any of that? I'm nothing like that asshole nor will I ever be." He snaps in anger. However, before I can answer, a fairly angry Min Yoongi bursts through the door.

"Jimin said you told him to fucking bother me?" He questions angrily at me. I roll my eyes at the way he puts it.

"Jimin is working a deal with me at the moment, Yoongi. He needs to recover just the same as every single one of you in this house. Yes, I told him to spend time with you and Jungkook when he's not training with me or sleeping." I answer. He glares at me.

"Why the hell would you do that?! It's bad enough that you're forcing me to be out of my room when I don't want to be! Why can't you just leave me the hell alone and get the fuck out of this place! I told you over ten years ago now! Get the fuck out of my life and stay out!" He yells, his knees buckling in anger as he yells for a moment before he's back upright.

"I will get the fuck out of this place and your life when I actually believe that you mean it, Min Yoongi. Right now, you're worse than you were all those years ago and the entire band has fallen with you. It's my job to get the full seven of you back on your feet and recovered before I'm allowed to leave.

"Care about me or not, I know damn well that you care about these six boys that you live with. And just as much as it hurts you to see them as down as they are, it hurts them all the same to see you in the state that you're in right now. Do you really want to hurt Jimin and Jungkook even further by pushing them farther away? You want to watch Jimin try to kill himself again? You want bury him, Yoongi?" I challenge. He glares at me.

"Don't you dare talk about Jiminie like that. I mean it, Chae. I meant it over ten years when I said it back then. Get the hell out of here." He snaps at me, his words slow and heavy are glares at me with tears in his empty eyes.

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