The Host Club

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Sakura stared at the sign deep in thought. "Didn't Kyoya say he was part of a host club? Will he be there? I wonder if they preform any background checks, I have a lot of information missing.... I suppose i could ask Itachi for help if things got really serious. Who would have thought that the Uchiha had a branch outside the Elemental Nati-"

"Sakura-hime!" two voices called out, startling her from her internal rant. Slowly she turned and looked at the people said voices belonged to. The Hitachiin twins. She gave a nervous smile at which they grinned moving close to either side of her.

Sakura stiffened unnoticably, shinobi senses flashing all sorts of warnings at her. She had to force down the ingrained reaction of turning both the teens beside her into a mess of broken bones. "Come on Sakura, meet the others of the host club!" They threw open the doors and moved past her as she was assalted by rose petals.

When her vision cleared, she stared ahead blankly. Then making a seal behind her back, she flared her chakra while muttering "Kai!" When the image didn't disappear, she sighed heavily and took a step forward.

There were seven people smiling radiantly at her, though, looking at Kyoya, his might be more of a smirk. Tamaki stood up and rushed over to her. "Cherry Princess!" Sakura's eyes widened and she side stepped the incoming blonde, watching as he fell to the floor.

The twins started laughing and the blonde boy with deceivingly adorable eyes giggled. Haruhi just smiled warmly at her. "Hello Sakura." Sakura found herself smiling back, forgetting the blonde on the ground.

"Haruhi! How are you? Nice to see you again, Kyoya." Kyoya smirked and nodded in her direction as Haruhi walked over.

"Meet the Host Club," she said jokingly, eyes shining with mirth as Sakura laughed.

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