Meeting the Other Hosts: Operation Catch Sakura!

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Sakura hummed and blinked when she saw the childlike host, crouching down easily to be the same eye level as him. "Hi?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mitsukuni smiled and waved excitedly as he held Usa-chan close, tugging Mori over to Sakura. "Hi Cherry-chan! I'm Hani! This is Mori! Welcome to the host club!"

Sakura giggled softly and stood back up as she put on a mock thinking pose. "A host club? Dear me it seems as if I've come to the wrong room..."

Hani blinked before tugging at her hand gently. "You mean you didn't come to see us..?" He asked softly, eyes wide.

Sakura blinked in surprise. He's supposed to be older then me...? She smiled at him after a seconds pause. "No, I definitely came here to do that. I assume Tamaki told you guys that'd I'd be coming here.."

Hani nodded eagerly with Mori nodding once. Mori tilted his head before raising his hand slightly in a 'Hello' gesture. Sakura smiled brightly and nodded back at him.

The back of her scalp pricked and she quickly stepped to the side, watching Tamaki go flying past a second time. "You're never going to sneak up on me. Or catch me. Please stop trying."

The twins sauntered up with matching mischievous grins. "Is that a challenge for the host club Cherry-chan?" Sakura wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

They snickered and waved at Tamaki. "Hear that boss? She wants to play a game of cat-and-mouse with the host club! Whoever catches her gets the prize!"

Tamaki jumped up and snapped his fingers, smirking then pointing at Sakura. "Host club! Operation Catch-Sakura is a go!" Sakura quickly backpedaled.

"Hey now.. I didn't sign up for this!"

"Get her!" Sakura swallowed thickly and turned, darting out of the room with the twins on her heels.

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