The Uchiha Branch

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Sakura panted as she quickly shut the door, locking it, then slumping against it, head in her hands. "...What am I doing? Hiding? I'm a kunoichi... pathetic."

She rolled her eyes and clenched a fist angrily, staring at it hard as she gathered chakra to her hand, gaze flicking between the ground and her fist. Slowly, she smirked, tugging her dress off to reveal skin tight shorts and a tank top underneath. " I'm a ninja, and I sure as hell am not going to let some civilians catch me, friends or not. I'll just...think of it as training."

She stood up before looking at the inked tattoo on her left wrist, biting her thumb then running the slightly bloody finger over it. She pressed her dress to the seal, watching in satisfaction as it disappeared into it. "Useful," she murmured, turning away from the door to the open center of the room. She walked to the middle then began going through several stretches.

She paused as she heard the thudding of feet sound nearby, eyes flicking around as he body tensed, lowering herself into a crouch. Quietly, voices filtered into the room.

"Where could she have gone?"

"How'd she even run so fast in that dress?"

"Do you think she's hiding in one of the rooms?"

"Quick, everyone check a door."

Sakura cursed her luck, creeping slowly to a window, opening it as silently as possible, flinching as her door's handle rattled.

"Hey, everyone! This room is locked!"

"She might be in there! Break it down!"

Sakura leaped out the window as she heard a thud on the door, swinging with her arms and hitting the side of the school, sticking her feet to the wall just as she heard the door break open after another thud. "Good job Mori!"

Sakura chuckled and made her way to the roof, vaulting up onto it before freezing, staring at the three men armed with heavy artillery. They hadn't noticed her yet, two of their backs facing her. "Ootori-dono, nothing to report so far..."

He trailed off, turning off his mic and leveling his gun at Sakura as he noticed her. "Who are you!?" He barked out.

Sakura bared her teeth in a barbaric mockery of a smile, pulling a kunai out of her bra. "Well now, that's not very polite," she called back, settling into a fighting stance as the other two got behind their superior.

"Stay back or we'll open fire. Give us your name now."

Sakura laughed humorlessly. "Nice try." She darted forward, chakra enhanced speed letting her avoid their bullets as they couldn't fix their weapons on her position.

She knocked out the two with well placed hits of the charkra points before flipping the third onto his back, holding the kunai to his throat. "Now let me try. What's your name?"

"W-Wait! I... are you a shinobi? We were informed by our family's main shinobi branch, the Uchiha Clan, that there was one attending this school."

Sakura paused as her eyes widened. "...Kyouya is an Uchiha!?"

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