Lost! Nekozawa: First Enounter!

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Sakura walked down the almost empty hallways, school map and class schedule in hand.

It was official… she was lost.

“Damn it…” she muttered, eyes scouring the paper. In the back of her mind was a nagging voice that reminded her that she was an Anbu level shinobi and the she isn’t truly lost. She ignored it. With a frustrated sigh, she spun around only to bump into someone. She managed to stay on her feet, though the other person wasn’t as lucky.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” She held out a hand and helped him up. “I wasn’t looking and I can’t find my way to class, I didn’t mean to-“

“It’s alright,” he stated, dusting himself off. He looked at her with startling blue eyes that took her aback. “I’m Nekozawa Umehito.”

“H-Haruno Sakura.” His eyes brightened.

“Ah yes! The new student. You’re lost are you? Beelzenef and I can show you the way.” With that he started walking down a corridor to their right, his cat puppet seemingly leading the way.

“Ah! Thank you Nekozawa-sempai!” Sakura exclaimed as she caught up. ‘He’s nice. A little odd, but nice. Odd is nothing when you’re in the shinobi line of work…’

“Would you consider joining the Black Magic Club, Sakura?”

“Black Magic…? That sounds intriguing. I’ll consider it sempai.” He smiled and it took her breath away. ‘If he was tanner and had sun kissed blonde hair….minus the missing whisker marks he’d look just like Na- no! I won’t let my past ruin my life!’

She shook her head fiercely. Nekozawa tilted his head. She smiled. “Nothing, just  some annoying thoughts.” He blinked then started digging around in his pockets.

“Here.” He placed a small Beelzenef doll in her hand, with the kanji for Clear Mind inscribed onto it. “This should help.” Sakura looked in awe of the small doll, and took it gingerly.

“Thank you…”

“We’re here.” Her head snapped up and sure enough, he was right. This was her classroom. She turned and bowed.

“Thank you so much Nekozawa-sempai!”

He smiled. “Call me Umehito,” he said before walking off. She watched his retreating form before preparing herself to enter the classroom.

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