11:59 pm // Candice

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I do this thing where I create my problems into people,
Where I essentially give them names and faces,
And expect them to smile or laugh,
Expect them to know what they've done wrong to me,
And I refer to them as people,
So when I speak of these problems you assume that they are people,
But they are not.

Let's talk about you,
This problem let's call her Candice,
Candice has been quite a struggle lately you see,
I wake up next to her,
And she follows me around,
Like she has nowhere else to go,
Candice doesn't know how to be by herself,
But nor do I,
The mere thought frightens me,
So I allow Candice to stay,
I allow Candice to keep me company,
But I do not like her company,
Despite me never making her leave,

I have all these problems,
And I can never escape them as they're as real as the clouds and the sky,
However real that is,
Sometimes I think,
I'll never find joy,
And an escape,

Sometimes I think Candice and I will forever be best friends,
Closer than anyone else I've ever met,
And that thought repeats often for me,
And it's terrifying.

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