24. Reconciliation

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Previously on Taming Klaus....

Xavier is now torturing Cecilia's mind and Dakota has been turned into a vampire by ressurected Caleb. Two witches down, what an inconvenience -.-

Kol is trying to convince his ex witch to help him lift Alyssa's curse so she can become vampire, werewolf and witch.

The war has began.


Alyssa found herself a spare room after chaining Cecilia to the bed post so that she couldn't physically hurt herself. It soon became known to everyone that Cecilia's psychological torture revolved around her dark past. Alyssa knew it, the moment her favourite nanny witch broke down. It was the one thing Cecilia struggled to confess - that she used to bath in young girls blood for youthful skin. It paid off. She can't physically age anymore. That doesn't necessarily mean she's immortal. Cecilia is going to die one day, but she will die beautifull.

After exhaling deeply, Alyssa folded her arms and tried to think strategically. She had to come up with something quick or else everything is going to become an irrevocable disaster. At the moment, Kol is out looking for his ex witch. Hopefully, Uncle Kol doesn't stuff this up...again. He really needs to settle down and Sara - the innocent-looking girl on the outside but feisty on the inside witch-

isn't the type to forgive a second time and not have a serious relationship afterwards.

"Alyssa," Klaus walked in quietly. It's been a while since he's seen his daughter. When they do meet, it's all about witty comments and unyielding anger. They have never quite bonded. He knows she's not completely happy with the way things have turned out. Separated parents. Evil grandparents. Being constantly watched and hunted. No matter what he does...he can never fully protect her.

"Nik, shouldn't you be babysitting the hunter?" Alyssa said without looking at him. She still calls him 'Nik' because to her he's never been much of a dad. He can say he loves her but for Alyssa actions speak louder than words and so far, Niklaus has only been consumed in his own selfish ambitions. It makes her feel like the last priority.

"Lisa's asleep. I really need to talk to you, Alyssa." Klaus sat on a dresser chair and looked up at his daughter. He was exhausted, even for a hybrid. "Why would Cecilia go behind my back to break the spell that saved your life seventeen years ago?"

He's talking about the Repression Spell. It was used to repress Alyssa's witch side so she was unable to become her true form; vampire, Werewolf and witch.

Alyssa turned her back away and paced around the room.

"I was Cecilia's last resort. She truly believes that my ultimate form will demolish Esther and her wicked ways for good. If you have not noticed we're in the middle of another supernatural war. Esther is restless. She wants a family reunion on the other side because she's lonely and she wants to kill me in fear that I might take over the world because I'll be the most powerful supernatural being. Okay, maybe it's not all her. The spirits are in it too. In fact the spirits are the worst-"

"You need to get out of here. Now." Klaus interrupted.

Alyssa stopped and looked at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I want you to get out of here. This isn't your war. It may revolve around you but that doesn't mean you get involved. I want you with Hayley and Elijah now. It's the only way to protect you-"

"Protect me? Like how you protected me all these years. That's not called protection, Nik. Sending people away does not account as an expression of love or affection. At least that's not how I interpreted it all these years," Klaus looked at her on disbelief. But she was fed up with him trying act like the concerned father. "When I was born you gave me to Rebekah. She raised me until Cecilia cast the Repression Spell and even then you sent me to live with Mum because you had other things to do like sire more hybrids. All you ever do is send me away. It doesn't matter how many times I show up, I'm always in grave danger and you're always going to use the lamest excuse to get rid of me-"

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