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Eating a Stilton sandwich
in deep dusk, color-draining
dark green of foliage,
slating blue-grey sky,

something peripheral,
my quick eye caught -
froze him mid-move,
ghosting out of covert
at the very back corner,

white chest and smoke-
striped head, pale paw
tentative,  poised
about to be placed down
(under wide eyes lidding)
withdrawing as slowly
smoothly his body back,
ghost-gone - and that's
the that of it. Understood.

Knows full well he's banned,
must wait for my absence
to trespass with impunity.

Spooked him, my eccentricity  -
cheese-eater at dusky table.

I always knew that dark covert
held eyes behind palmate leaves:
goblin, cat - not much difference
as I sees it, says I.


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