
214 23 12

I am remade in this after-rain sun,
brilliantine fine splashes of light
in the foliage,
breakfast cherries and coffee,
inland gulls cracking raucous,
salty savourings.

Summer has returned, unapologetically,
a gift again, self-unwrapping,
dissolving cumuli in blue solvent;
and cirrus would need seven veils
barely to clothe this sun,
her beneficent exhibitionism smiling
me from a dazzling periphery,
hot, vitamin kisses on my cheek.

I wave away the wasp like someone
on a station platform,
noting brambles which need clipping;
how fulsome are the apple globes,
blushing freely in my eyeing pleasure;
and how light
tightrope-runs along the gating gossamer
as breezes stretch it.


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