Vanished - Long Ago

269 28 18

Alone again and back in sun-trap,
I examine the tall tales of grasses,
hear their sibilant catechism,

inquire of the nettles their non-
existent sins, despite their August get-up;
their green, floral dreadlocks,
thick, shrunken leaves
and black-stemmed macho.

I scan the sunlit, reach with an exactitude
of quibbling imagination
in through sharp blades of shadow
to pooling dark.

I weigh up the bough-pulling tug of apple-globes,

detain a floating seed for travel papers;
yet take the tickle bribe and release it.

I ask the little green-bottles, who share my table -

but in none of these virtuous inhabitants do I find
the least trace or rumour of your presence.



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