A Little Ado

190 28 11

In silent sun-bliss,
still, but for the merest anime
of a shy breeze, warm and tentative;
as if a lover - distant in time or space -
was wondering at this solitary ogre,
writing head on left hand,
so focused on the shadow of his ball-point,
dancing its way to freeze-frame
at the deep line's end.

A wasp was basking quietly on my forearm,
cleaning antennae peacefully.
her striped insignia
against my clotted freckles.
Closeness to nature! I draw the line -
startling and waving, laughing at irony.

Green-bottles are absent. Oh, there's one!
Tiny flies generate aerial mazes.

High-wires, slung from hedge to apple trees,
the sun points out; but only precursors
of giant webs - we wait their sway.

A broken strand blows out from table-edge -
tracing  the zephyr.


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