Dull Still Empty

174 25 10

Dearth for orb spinners -
another day of stillness:
grasses hardly sway seed tips;
even the uneven cloudbank
drifts imperceptibly.

Another day of avian no-comment -
small birds reserve judgment;
gulls wing high,
giving each other all the sky they can.

Two days ago I found a drone ant
exhausted. Couldn't or wouldn't fly;
business done
he was crawling off to die..

Today's so sparsely populated
by any fussing insects;
whatever's going on of note
dances behind the pear tree.

My wasp pays a visit: 'Go, on! Shoo!'
Minuscule fly takes tour around
some jutting stems of privet.

Tattered webs are vacancies,
and all the sunny derring-do
of bridging hawsers gone.

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