Chapter 8

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It's really an eye opener, when I think about what just happened. I can't believe I actually believed I could lay low with my mate and sister and wait until this mess blows over. It's just not possible! This problem is like my shadow.No matter how hard I try It will still be there and when the sun goes down so does the shadow, but that doesn't mean it's gone. It will still follow me wherever I go even If I don't notice it's presents. As soon as the first light of day strike here comes that shadow again anxiously waiting to make its appearance.I have to find a way to put that shadow at bay even if I have to stay in the dark. In this case I need to find the creep that's following me and Lena and get rid of him.I don't know if I'd be okay with killing him but maybe I could get him imprisoned for life or something. I don't know, but I'm want him gone from my life.

When I was in foster care I was neutral, not happy nor sad. I dealt with the fact that my real family left me for the taking and probably went on to live there lives or maybe they were dead,I didn't know. Which is why I wasn't sure on the emotion to portray. I had my good days when I went around thanking my real parents for doing what they did because maybe I wouldn't have turned out the way I did. I also had my bad days when I wonder why they gave me up in the first place. I would have understood if they were dead but I had no idea what the truth was.

I thought that when I found out the truth it would have lifted a weight off my shoulders, but It had an opposite effect on me. Knowing the truth came with pros and cons. Pro number one is I met my identical twin sister Lena. Con number one is my foster family was murdered in spite of me. Pro number two is I met my amazing mate Nick. Con number two is a psychopath is stocking us and threatening our lives. I crave for this to be over but I don't know how to end it.

This person is always out of my reach. The only for sure way to end this is to die but I don't want to go down that road.I want to see how spending my life with my mate would work. I can't say I love him yet since I only just met him but I know I have very strong feelings for him. I'd fight for him and I know he would do the same but I don't want him to fight this battle. I won't risk him getting hurt when this is mine and Lena's battle to fight.If everything said about us it correct then we are the true princesses of the werewolf race. We are bound to have more strength then we are accounted for and I plan to unleash whatever ability I may possess.

"Amira? why haven't you eaten anything yet?"asks Nick getting the attention of the rest of the pack members who were until recently eating dinner. When I lived in foster care my parents never believed in family dinners so I would always eat in front of the tv or in my room. I was both pleased and surprised to find out that this pack always eat dinner together no matter what. It was believed to bring friendships inside the pack instead of having cliques.I loved the idea at first but now that all the attention is on me it's kind of embarrassing.

I am sitting at the head of the table to the left of Nick with Lena on my other side who are both looking at me weirdly.

I shrugged and told them I wasn't hungry but luck wasn't on my side. My stomach growled! I was called out by my own stomach and everyone heard it! Stupid werewolf hearing.

"Sounds like your hungry to me" states Bryson who is cuddled up to my confused sister.

A hand rests on my hand sending pleasurable tingles throughout my body giving me a idea of who this hand belongs to. I relax a little to his touch a little and release a sigh from my lips.

"What's going on princess?" he ask with concern evident in his eyes. I was going to scold him about using the nickname he's grown fond of for me but I knew that this wasn't the appropriate time.

I shake my head "I'll tell you later when your finish eating. Don't worry I'm fine" I say assuring him and the pack that still seem to be frozen in there spot. Is there some kind of remote for me to press play on for them to get on with there lives. It's like they are on a never ending pause and I'm getting annoyed.

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