Chapter 7

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Amira's POV

"Lena, For the last time sexy biker/ rock band chick is your thing not mine!"

For the past 2 hours Lena has been urging for me to try on some uncomfortable leather pants,some revealing tight corsets, or some very ripped jeans and rocker band t-shirts. They would look very cute on her but it's just not my style.

"I know, this outfit isn't for you though! It's for me, I just need you to try it on." she says pushing me toward the dressing room.

"If it's yours then why am I the one who has to try it on!"

"So I can see how I look in it, duh" that makes no since!

"You know, I don't know if you've heard but there is this invention called a mirror that makes it possible for you to see yourself without taking advantage of innocent bystanders."She quarks her eyes and smiles at me which is relieving to see because from my first impression of her I wouldn't have guessed she was so nice. We are so different though. She wears dark colors and I wear bright colors, she is mean to others while I try to get to know the person before judging them for something.She'd rather start fights while I would much rather talk out our problems and resort to anything other than violence.Where was I going with this again? oh yeah we are total opposites! We have some similarities but not that many, I'm just psyched to have a sister!

"That's the beauty about having a twin! I can use you to do things I don't like to do!For example I can 'ask' you to go to my classes when I skip, ya know cuz schools important but I hate attending it which isn't a problem since now I have you!" she says with a huge smile"but don't get it twisted, if you ask me to do the same don't expect me to accept." Wow I'm feeling the sisterly love. Anyway guess who ended up trying on Lena's clothes for 3 more hours yup opera ha just kidding it was me.I kinda feel bad for our bodyguards though. Nick ordered them to carry all our bags while him and Bryson were in some important meeting. Let's just say we didn't shop lightly.Lena decided she wanted to blow up Bryson's card while I on the other hand was nice enough to offer to buy myself a new wardrobe since I left most of them at my previous home. Nick declined and even with all my protests I ended up taking it with him promising to have a movie night of my choice of my choice. Gosh I lo-like him very much. He's so amazing to me and to the pack.He's sweet and understanding but knows when to get serious.Absolutely the best mate I could ask for.

When Lena finally decided that we've bought enough clothes we were headed home.The car ride was silent but comfortable with Lena driving and me looking at the rain pitter pattering on the window. Does anyone else make it a race to see which rain drop will make it to the bottom first? If you don't then You should try it because it's surprisingly entertaining!

Anyway the guards decided that instead of just riding in the car with us like normal people they wanted to sandwich us between two black cars with tented windows.Yeah that's not obvious at all.

"Hey do you want to grab something to eat? I'm famished!" Lena says dramatically while using her free hand to pat her tummy.

I chuckle and shake my head while agreeing and texting the guards of our new plans.

"Soooo where do you want to eat?" I ask curious.She thinks for a second then shrugs and answers,"I don't know, where do you want to eat?" I shrug and answer her, "I don't know,where you want to eat?"she glares at me and I glare right back. "Where do you want to eat?!" we say In unison,"I don't know, what do you-" we Start,"stop that! No you stop that"we pause for a minute waiting for the other to say something first."chick fil a?!" we both say,"how'd you know?"we say again "I don't know!" I clear my voice "um can we stop talking at the same time now? it's starting to creep me out" I ask, "agreed"

When we made it to chick fil a and ordered Lena and I took a seat at a booth while the guards sat behind us and began eating.

Don't tell Nick but I'm in love with this food. I love it so much I would seriously marry it! I took my first bite into my sandwich and almost moaned out loud when the juicy contents entered my mouth. Something was off though. It had this acquired taste to it I just couldn't put my hands on it.Oh well! I took another bite and instantly regret it when I pulled something completely vile it made me want to puke.It was a finger! I wanted to scream so bad but with all these humans around that was impossible. I knew who did this and the note in Lena's sandwich confirmed it.

Dear princesses,

Instead of a chicken sandwich you should have gotten chicken fingers.Just wanted to remind you that I'm everywhere,there is no escaping me. I'm watching your every move even when you least expect me to. I'm enjoying watching your downfall! You'll hear from me very soon.


It's a secret

P.s Does that finger look familiar Amira, I'll give you a hint there was something missing off your foster mothers body when the police took them away.

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