Chapter 5

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Dominic's P.O.V.

My whole life I've heard different stories about how people met their mates.Some say it was the best day of their of their lives and they continue to be happy as long as they had their mate with them.Others wasn't so lucky. Some mates get rejected and they never stay the same. Some even went as far as committing suicide.

Truthfully I don't know what to do when I find my mate. I just don't like the idea of having to drop everything and give them all our undivided attention. I already have a good life, I don't think a mate should be my priority right now.

I am currently walking into school right now and I can't stop hearing conversations about Lena! Apparently she's decided to dress different or what ever.Some say she's actually dressing like a girly girl now, and boy that's a sight i'd like to see.

The first time I met her she was dressed in a black lacy corset and some faded cut out jeans and some black combat boots. Her make up was dark and spunky with heavy black eye liner around her eyes making her eyes look like a cat. She had dark red lip stick on her lips with what I'm guessing is a fake nose piercing.Us werewolves can't get any kind of piercings other than our ears since we heal really fast. I don't understand why we can pierce our ears but hey I'm not going to research it or anything because that's just too much work!

Anyway I've always been extremely attracted to Lena. I was positive she was my mate until my beta Bryson introduced her as his mate. Since then my feeling for her have only grown but I don't do anything about it because I only really like her for her looks. At first I thought it was the total dude in me talking but now I know that there's a reason for all that, I just don't know what. Weird? I know.

So far today has been surprisingly hectic. The buzz about Lena has yet to stop. Apparently she's going around posing as a new student to prank the teachers around the school. Genius! But everyone keeps talking about it and it's getting on my nerves! At least it's lunch time and I can eat. I'm starving!

30 minutes into lunch the most intoxicating smell fills my nose. She smells like Red bull, which I love!, and starburst.

First entered Lena with her normal attire on but it was the girl beside her that caught my eyes. She is perfect! She had the same face as Lena except she is wearing is some light blue jeans and a pink floral flowy top with a cut off jean jacket matching with her neon green converse that goes with some of the flowers on her shirt.She's wearing her gorgeous long silky black hair down with what looks like natural curls at the end and two side braid to form a crown effect on her head. She's my mate!

"What? you act like you've never seen twins before!"screams Lena

This time my beautiful mate spoke, "are you deaf or something because I believe she meant for you to carry on to what you were doing not stare at us. geesh all of y'all need to get a life!" Oo feisty, I like, no! I love!

Someone close to me whispers "yup their defiantly twins" but I was to mesmerized to care.

I got up to go confront her. That's when she finally notices me. At first we gaze into each other's eyes but it felt more like we were looking into each other's souls. Then she started to check me out. I smirk a little because it's obvious that my little mate likes what she see's.

What ticks me off is that Lena has the nerve to slap her right in front of me!

I let out the deadliest growl I can muster and run over to my mate shooting daggers at Lena.

"My sister is our luna! sweet!"Did she she not just realize she just got threatened?

Wait sister?

Then it dawned on me. They are twins! That is so hot!

Bryson looks at me with the same expression that I'm probably wearing.

Yup it's official my mate just broke my scale of perfectness!


Sooooo what you think? Good so far? still mad at me for updating so late? yeah I figured. sigh. You know what to do.....


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