Chapter 2

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As soon as I walked in the school all eyes were one me.I would usually be okay with that because I'm new but these eyes weren't filled with curiosity they were filled with pure fear.

Is it something to do with my clothes? no that can't be it, all I'm wearing is some light blue jeans and a pink floral flowy top with a cut off jean jacket, matching with my neon green converse that goes with some of the flowers on my shirt, I'm wearing my long black hair down with its natural curl at the end and two side braid to form a crown effect on my head. I don't know why they look afraid of me, if anything my outfit makes me come off as a nice girl.

Ignoring all their stares, I walk to the main office to retrieve my class schedule.

"Oh, hi Lena, I didn't expect to see you today, and might I say I love the new look it really suits you,so what can I do for you?", says an overly cheery lady behind the desk but I can sense a hint of fear coming from her too.

Oh I get it, she thinks I'm Lena.

"Actually my name is Amira Heart, I'm new and I need my schedule"

"Oh I'm sorry you just look so much like-"

"Lena, I know, so can I have my schedule?", I'm getting a little annoyed.

"Um, of course", she takes a few minutes to type in her computer then hands me the sheet with all of my classes and locker number on it.


"Welcome, and sorry again about the earlier misunderstanding", I nod in response.

Alright, I have art first. Great, I'm actually really good at art so this class should go by fast.

I make it to Mr.Strickland's classroom without any trouble but of course I'm still late. I knock on the door and wait for the man to answer, the door is made partially of glass so I can see him coming. He looks to be middle-age, with a dirty blond ponytail and some glasses. He is wearing a button up, white dress shirt with some slacks and men's flip flops. Someone needs to help him fashion wise because this is just torture.

"Hello Mrs.Heart, what's the pleasure of having you in my class today?"

So, I'm guessing he's talking about Lena again.

"I'm not who you think I am, My name is Amira Heart, and I'm actually a new student In your class."

"You got to be joking, Lena, is this another one of your pranks because this is not funny."

"Um no, check your roster I am not lying" , is it bad that I really want to slap this man In the face right now even after such a short period of time.

"Fine but if you are lying you'll be in serious trouble, now what did you say your 'name' was again", he really is annoying.

"Amira Heart"

He scans his page then freezes.

"I'm sorry, it's just you really look like someone I know,will you please forgive me for my mishap?"

"Whatever, it's no big deal", then I sit at the very back of the room at the only free desk available. I'm kind of surprised that no one said anything to me yet though, all the students keep doing is staring at me it's kind of freaking me out, don't they have personalities?


That class went by painfully slow, as did all the other ones because I kept having to go through the same thing. People staring and confused teachers, now it's lunch time and there's still no sign of Lena.

I make my way down the hallways following the students to the cafeteria since I have no clue how to get there on my own.

Right when I'm about to round the corner someone slams me against the lockers, after getting over my shock I look at my perpetrator he has brown, short hair that reaches just above his ear and, he has hazel eyes that are filled with lust and love. Who is this dude? He towers over me with his 6'3 frame over my petite 5'5 frame. He is very muscular but not overly muscular. He's wearing a plain black v-neck that hugs his shape perfectly showing off his toned six pack and loose fitted jeans that do not hang off his butt like most teens our age are doing. He's actually very attractive but not my type.

"Well hello beautiful, where have you been all day? You had me worried sick, but seeing you dressed like this definitely makes up for it and is quite a turn on"

Oh my god he thinks I'm Lena!

"I-I'm n-" but before I could finish my sentence he crashed his lips on to mine.

"Bryson what are you doing?!" yell someone who sounds exactly like me.

Who I'm guessing is Bryson broke off the kiss and looked behind him in total shock.


"Duh, who do you think I was"

"But if your you and you are Lena then who is the Lena I was just kissing?"

If I wasn't so nervous I'd probably be laughing at his babbling.

"What are you talking about?" I guess this is where I should intervene.

I peak my head around the corner to be met with some familiar deep blue eyes. She has the same long slightly curly black hair which she is also wearing down with a red graphic t- shirt that says "come at me bruh it's your own funeral!", in black lettering with black skinny jeans and a leather jacket, and to pull together her look she had some heeled combat boots. Our styles are completely different yet we look completely identical.


"Who are you and why do you have my face?"

"My name is Amira Heart and I am your twin sister"



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