Chapter 4

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Amira's pov

"Listen I know what you are thinking and I can explain" I say quickly as her eyes began to become darker by the second.

"I'm listening" she grunts controlling her wolf "and if your explanation about why you suddenly show up here kissing my mate isn't good enough than you won't be looking like me much longer"

"Ok ok but I can't risk anyone finding out so is there anyplace where we can talk with out people listening in?"

"Well there's the cafeteria"Bryson pitches in rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Now why would we go into a cafeteria full of nosy werewolves you diptard?" I say playfully trying not to make enemies with my I guess brother in law, but I forgot that my sister was on edge with her wolf right now and me insulting her mate was not helping the situation.

Next thing I know I can't breath. Lena has me by my neck blocking out any way for me to receive oxygen. The more I tried to pull her arm away the harder she squeezed and the more black dots began to fill my vision.

"Le-Lena ....St-stop!" I try saying, hoping she would let me go, but instead she gets more infuriated.

"You may be my sister but I will not tolerate you disrespecting my mate, understand!" I vigorously nod my head saying a quick sorry to Bryson who is trying his best to calm Lena down.From what seems like forever Bryson finally got her to calm enough to let me go.Let me just say that there is some serious PDA action going on In front of me and If I wasn't having a coughing fit at this moment I'd probably be gagging and screaming in terror.

When my breathing was back to normal I stood back up trying my best not to pay to much attention on the couple in front of me swapping spit. Like seriously did they forget about me already.

Cough. cough. "sorry to interrupt but I don't think I want to become an aunt just yet. Plus we really need to talk."

They hesitantly break apart with flushed out faces with a hint of a blush on Lena's face when she realized that I just whitnessed her doing it in the hallway.

"Um....yeah sorry about almost killing you wolf has a short temper when it comes to her mate."

"Understood, I just had to stop you before you started stripping in front of me and I know we probably also have the same parts being identical and all but I only just met you and with him" I say gesturing to Bryson" there are some parts of him that should be for your eyes only"

Gasp"shut up it was not going to go that far!"she exclaims getting redder and redder by the minute.While Bryson just stood there smirking completely contradicting what she just said.

"You think? Well judging from the look on your mates face I'm pretty sure he's thinking otherwise.

"You know what whatever! Let's just go to the cafeteria already so we can talk"she says walking away toward what I'm guessing is the cafeteria.

"Can someone please explain why the cafeteria is such a good place to talk?"

Lena was about to respond until Bryson cut her off "the cafeteria is the loudest part of school during lunch time so most people are too distracted from eating lunch and having their own conversations to even have time to listen to us." um that surprisingly made since.

"Okay" we round the corner and stepped into the cafeteria where everything and everyone stopped.

"What? you act like you've never seen twins before!"screamed Lena but still they just stood there with there mouths agape.

Now it's my turn to speak "are you deaf or something because I believe she meant for you to carry on to what you were doing not stare at us. geesh all of y'all need to get a life!" with that they all went back to eating and screaming in each other's ear for no apparent reason.

I swear I heard someone say "yup their sisters alright" but my ears could be fooling me.

But then something I didn't expect happened.........


I wanted to stop here but it's been so long since I've updated that it's only fair that I kept going!!!!


Those eyes! Those beautiful captivating eyes...... those icy blue eyes could stop time if I let it and god I would let them as long as I get to look at them the whole time.They were complete perfection and alluring. And the person those eyes belong to just screams lady killer. He has purposely messy charcoal black hair and sun kissed perfect unblemished skin.He's wearing a blue and white varsity football jacket with a white t-shirt that hugs his very noticeable 8 pack. He had some slightly ripped jeans that hung perfectly on his waist and some purple Jordan's.Excuse me while I drool.

"Amira? hello anyone in there?"then I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

"Ouch! why'd you slap me!" she was about to answer when there was a deep menacing growl once again silencing the cafeteria.Everyone was cowering away in fear while I just stood there shivering in delight.Why was that such a turn on to me?

"If you want to keep your hands I would suggest you keep your hands off my mate!"

Oh he's my mate! That explains why I was eye raping him earlier.Now why didn't I know this sooner.

"My sister is our luna!?sweet!"Did she she not just realize she just got threatened?

Luna? mate is the Alpha!


Again sorry for the long wait


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