chapter 14

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Rin felt like she was going to throw up. All of Len's ex-girlfriends-Miku, Meiko, Neru, Teto, Gumi, and Miki-were there. She thought she had heard them say her name a couple of times in their conversation. But she was the only available waitress, so she had no choice but to serve them. It was her job.

"Hello, ladies! How may I help you today?" Rin asked, using the tone she used with any other customer.

"Rin-chan, is that you?" Meiko asked in mock-surprise. "I didn't know you worked here! How are you?" Meiko tried to play it off, but all of the other girls looked surprised.

"Fine, thank you," Rin said icily, then switched back to being a kind waitress. "What would you like to order today? May I recommend our lentil soup? It's the special of the day, and you get a free biscuit and cup of tea with it."

"I would like your French br-" Teto began, then flinched. Meiko had kicked her under the table.

"Rin-chan, we were just talking about you!" Meiko laughed. "I'm throwing a huge sleepover party at my house tomorrow night to kick off summer break, and I'm inviting all of the girls in the class. Won't you come?"

Pssh, I'm sure you were talking about inviting me to your sleepover. NOT, Rin thought cynically. As if I'd want to go anyways. These girls hate my guts!

"Um, I'm not sure. I might be working..." Rin lied. "How about I get back to you tomorrow?"

"Sure, sure," Meiko said, waving her hand. "It would be a shame if you weren't able to come...we're inviting all of the boys in our class too. Len-kun will be there. By the way, are things going steady with him?"

This is a slut's sleepover, all right, Rin thought.

"Oh yes, Len-kun's wonderful," Rin laughed. "He rarely talks about you guys, so don't worry." Ooh, that last part came out a bit snippy. "Hmmm...I'll see if I can trade shifts with somebody, and I'll talk to Len-kun about it. Thank you so much for inviting me!" she added hastily.

"No prob, no prob. It wouldn't be a party without you!" Meiko giggled. Rin hated it whenever Meiko laughed, and hated it even more that Meiko thought she would fall for her trap. She sounded like a total witch-or rather, what rhymed with it.

"Kagamine-san! Have you gotten their order yet? I know they may be your friends, but please don't dawdle too much. We're busy here!" one of the older waitresses scolded.

"Y-yes, ma'am," Rin stammered. "Anyways, I've got one French bread here. Anything else?"

"Your carrot cake," Gumi said.

"Six iced green teas, please," Meiko ordered before anyone else could say anything, for she was the one paying. "That'll be all."

"Thank you. I'll be back in a few minutes with your orders," Rin said, bowing. "Thank you so much!" She ran off.

What do I do? Rin thought. I really don't want to go to this party. But if Len-kun decides to go-I have to watch out for him. These girls...they know where to get me, don't they? She sighed.

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