chapter 6

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A month had passed since Rin and Len had started school. Summer was approaching, they had already changed uniforms, the courses were easy, and everyone was happy. Everyone…except poor Rin.

Len-kunwhy won't you ever notice me? Rin thought. She stared across the room at Len. A bunch of girls surrounded him, chattering, and he was smiling and laughing. Meiko was sitting on his lap.

That's right, they're going out nowRin thought. I'm happy that Len is happy, but still…I feel so lonely!

"All right, it's time for class to start!" Hanazuki-Sensei said as she ran into the room. "So, it's time to turn off the magnet, Len. Girls, go back to your seats."

"Ha ha, okay," Len laughed. He continued to chat with Meiko.

He seems to have a more mature air around him nowRin thought. Growing up, Len always followed Rin around. He was a crybaby and very clumsy. But all that had changed once both their parents had died. Len never cried or complained after that, and started to do things independently. They had lived in an orphanage for awhile, but once they both turned ten they decided to live by themselves.

"I know it's hot today, but maybe my exciting news will cheer you guys up," Hanazuki-Sensei said. "Although we usually have our all-grade field trip in June, it's so warm we can go early this year. We're going to Resort Island tomorrow!"

The whole class cheered. "Nee-san went on that trip one year," Rin eavesdropped on the girl talking next to her, who was chatting with her friend. "She said that it's so nice there, they have a hotel and hot springs and a private beach and spas and everything! The weather there is PERFECT. And all the people that work there are beautiful!"

"I'd love to get a massage from a hot guy," the other girl said. "Especially if the guy were Kagamine-san…Sakine-san is so lucky…"

Rin felt her stomach drop. Beautiful people? Then that means there will be…really pretty girls there… She imagined the horrific scene of Len going to the spa and being massaged by a bunch of pretty girls.

No! Len is going out with Meiko, and I know he's a very faithful person, Rin thought. He'd never have a fling with another girl!

"We'll be staying there for five days. Be sure to pack summer clothes, sunscreen, a swimsuit, sunglasses, and whatever else you need. If anyone has any special medical conditions or allergies, or needs to bring medication along with them, please see me…"

A swimsuit! That's it! Rin thought. I know I'm not, um, well-endowed, but I'm sure Len will fall in love with me if I get the right swimsuit!

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