chapter 3

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Hmmm…Len-kun's late, Rin thought. I hope he made it onto the train alright.
"My name is Hanazuki-Sensei and I'll be your teacher this year. I'm glad to meet all of you. Now, we shall be taking roll…"
Oh no! If Len doesn't get here soon he'll definitely be in trouble! Rin thought. Please hurry, Len!
Whoa, there are a lot of girls in this class—in fact, this class is all girls! Rin thought, shuddering. Len'll be the only guy, and Len is a completely different person when he's surrounded by girls…
After a few minutes, Len and Rin's names were about to be called. 
"H—h—here!" Rin stuttered.
"All right, Kagamine Rin-san, and then your brother, Kagamine Len-san?" Hanazuki-Sensei asked.
The whole class suddenly focused on Rin. Rin could here whispers of "A boy? In this school?" and "That's a big surprise!" and "I wonder if he's cute…"
"He—he's not my brother," Rin said nervously. "He's a friend, and I—I think he missed the first train so he'll be a bit late…"
"Well, if he does not show up here in the next five seconds I'll be marking him tardy and he'll have to assume class clean-up duties," Hanazuki-Sensei said, irritated.
Len's bad at cleaning things, Rin thought. Oh, Len…please be here soon!
"I'm—huff—not late—huff!" Len gasped.
"And neither am I! Please—huff—excuse us—huff!" Gakupo said.  
"We're really sorry!" Len cried, bowing. "We both missed the first train, and—"
"Please take a seat. I won't mark you tardy," Hanazuki-Sensei said.
"Thank you, Sensei!" Len and Gakupo shouted in unison.
"Len-kun!" Rin whispered. "Thank goodness you made it!" Len smiled and nodded in reply.
"Since you are Kagamine-san, I assume the other boy with you is Kamui Gakupo-san?" Hanazuki-Sensei asked.
"Yes, pleased to meet you," Gakupo said, taking a seat beside a window. Len took the seat in front of him.
"I am Hanazuki-Sensei, and I'll be your teacher this y—"
"Class! Ladies! Control yourselves!" Hanazuki-Sensei shouted, but her voice was drowned out by the screaming.
Len felt his hair and clothes being tugged every which way. The only girls in the class that were staying calm were Rin and the brown-haired girl sitting next to him.
"Please—stop—" Len tried to say, but was ignored.
"Whoa there, ladies! There's enough of Gakupo to go around, hmm? Form an orderly line and you can touch my face for 300 yen!" Gakupo laughed. That dumbass, Len thought.
"CLASS!" Hanazuki-Sensei bellowed. Everyone froze and fell silent.
"Please. Get. In. Your. Seats. NOW!" Hanazuki-Sensei said, grinding her teeth. "And please—stay seated!"
The girls all walked back to their seats sheepishly. "Now, that's better…" Hanazuki-Sensei breathed, and continued taking roll.
"Hey there, hot stuff," the girl next to Len said. 
"Hmm? Oh, hi," Len said. He turned to look at the brown-haired girl. She had a beautiful, perfectly smooth face that was encircled by her short, bob-cut hair. Her eyes were brown with a tinge of red, and she had pure white skin with pink, rosy cheeks. If you wanted to describe her in one word, angel would be the first one that came to mind. Len's heart skipped a beat and he could feel his face turning red.
"Sorry about what happened a little bit ago. The girls at this school are in dire need of more males in their lives," the girl said. "My name's Meiko Sakine. What's yours?"
"Um, my name's Kagamine Len," Len said nervously. "N—n—nice to meet you!"
"I'm going to call you Len, okay?" Meiko said. "You can call me Meiko as well."
"Er, okay," Len said. Why do I always get all nervous talking to girls other than Rin? He thought.
"I like shota-type boys like you," Meiko said. "But I know there's a man under there dying to come out. Hehehe."
"Wuahh?" Len breathed.
"How about you and I go out this Friday for dinner. I'd like to know more about you, if you know what I mean," Meiko said, and pinched Len's butt.
"Ow! What are you doing?" Len gasped.
"Taking a sneak peek at this Friday's coming attraction," Meiko giggled, winking.
"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into…" Len muttered.
"What was that, honey?" Meiko asked, tousling her hair.
"Oh, uh, nothing. Have I told you what beautiful eyes you have?" Len said quickly.
"Oh, Lenny, darling…" Meiko whispered.
"And your hair is just gorgeous. But not as gorgeous as your face," Len said, running his fingers through Meiko's hair. 
I shouldn't be giving Meiko mixed signals, otherwise she'll think we're going out or something! Len, learn to control yourself! Len thought. He did not notice that Rin was staring right at him.
Rin sighed as she began to dig into her bento. Len, why? Why were you flirting with Meiko like that? Don't you ever notice my feelings? She thought. I knew this would happen. I better act quickly or I'll lose my chance…
"…And so I told her I wasn't really interested, you know? Because I want to remain faithful to Megurine-san and such."
"I wish I had your confidence, Gakupo. Meiko has been trying to put the moves on me all morning. I just don't know what to do…oh, there's Rin-san!"
Rin turned around to see Len and another guy running towards her. Her face brightened. "Len!"
"Hi, Rin-san! Mind if we have lunch with you?" Len asked, smiling.
"Ah, so this is the famous Rin I've heard about! Len told me all about you. I'm Gakupo, but you can call me Popo-chan! It's what all the pretty girls call me! Has anyone told you that you have such beautiful, vibrant blue eyes? Len is so lucky to—ouch! Len!" Len yanked Gakupo's hair before he could say any more. 
"Oh, um, sure. You guys can go ahead and sit here, I don't mind," Rin said, then looked down at the plastic sack Len was clutching. "Um, Len, what happened to the bento I packed for you this morning?"
"Oh, I, uh, ate it all," Len said. "I couldn't help myself. It was really delicious though! Thank you!"
Rin blushed. He likes my cooking? I'm so happy! she thought.
"Yes, I'm sure you'll make a good wife for Len here. He's always hungry, I swear!" Gakupo said. 
"Gakupo!" Len laughed. "Don't tell her that!"
"Nah, Len here just gets bad mileage," Gakupo said. "I mean, it's kind of pitiful that he only has a tomato for lunch. You should cook for him all the time, Rin!"
"Rin is my friend, not my personal slave," Len said.
"Then she'll just have to become your wife!" Gakupo shouted happily, so all of campus could hear.
"Gakupo, shut up! Get out of here!" Len snapped. 
"What is this talk of wife I hear?" Meiko came striding over.
"Meiko!" Len gasped. "Er, uh, it was Gakupo! We were just joking around!"
Just joking around? Rin's heart started to sink when Meiko turned to her.
"And just who is this? Your sister or something?" Meiko asked, looking at Rin in disgust.
"Oh, uh, she's—"
"Ah, I see, your sister. Then she should be no problem. We still have our plans on Friday?"
"I expect to meet you at Chez Expensife at 8 o'clock Friday night," Meiko said. "You wouldn't want to make me cry, would you? Sniff…I thought you were the one…"
"No, of course I'll meet you! I just, um—I have to go—polish my cat! I'll be back!" Len said, flustered, as he fled the scene.
"I'll be sitting with my friends. See you later," Meiko said, irritated, as she walked away.
After an awkward silence, Gakupo finally spoke. "So…how long have you and Len known each other?"
"Ever since we were babies," Rin said. "Both his parents and mine died when we were only five, so we've been relying on each other ever since then."
"Ah, I see," Gakupo said. "And you have feelings for him?"
"Yes—I mean, no—I mean, yes, of course I do! You—you won't tell him, right? Please?" Rin stuttered.
"I wouldn't spill what's coming from a girl's heart," Gakupo said. "I've only known Len-chan for half the day, but he does seem like the oblivious type. Has he ever expressed feelings for you?"
"I really don't know. It's hard to tell," Rin said. "He's like a ripple in the water—he's hard to grasp."
"I told him he should take a chance and ask you out. I'm sure he likes you," Gakupo said.
"You really think so?" Rin asked.
"Of course," Gakupo said. "You're a cute, smart girl. Sometimes boys are a bit slow when it comes to these things, but he'll wake up and realize it soon."
"Popo-kun? You know, you're really easy to talk to. I feel so much better now! You understand girls so well!" Rin said. "Do you maybe have a sister or something?"
"Nah," Gakupo said. "I'm just very observant." 
And they continued to eat their lunch in silence.

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