chapter 7

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"…Girls are not allowed to enter the boys' room or male workers' rooms and vice-versa. Do not think you can get away with anything for there will be workers and teachers patrolling at all hours of the night," Hanazuki-Sensei said. All the first-years were sitting in a circle around a bonfire on the beach.

"Aw, darn it," Meiko whispered, squeezing Len's hand. "But don't worry Lenny, next time we can come for a more—ah, ROMANTIC getaway. "

"Sounds lovely," Len said with a hint of sarcasm. He was getting sick of Meiko's clinginess.

"All right, now it's time to head off to your rooms and get ready for bed. Lights out at 11 o'clock," Hanazuki-Sensei said. "Goodnight, everyone!"

"Goodnight, Sensei," the class said.

Len started walking towards the hotel when someone grabbed him.

"Ah-ah-ah, YOU aren't going to bed anytime soon!" The person was Miku.

"H—Hatsune-san!" Len gasped, turning around.

"Call me Miku," Miku said.

"Okay, um, Miku-chan," Len said. "So…what's up?"

"You aren't too tired, are you? I'd like to show you around tonight," Miku said. "I know some great places. Visitors aren't really allowed though, so it'd be best to show you while everyone's asleep, you know?"

"There will be people patrolling. We might get caught, and I don't want to get you in trouble," Len said, concerned.

"Oh, I know where all the patrols will be. Where I'm taking you NONE of the teachers or workers will be around. It'll be safe, I promise," Miku said sweetly, smiling.

Miku's smile was enough to make any man melt, and although Len knew it was wrong, he couldn't help but say yes.

"Okay, so here's the plan. Lights out is at 11 o'clock, and the teachers will be patrolling till 12. There actually WON'T be any workers patrolling, they're just saying that so you guys will be wary of going out. At 11:30, I'm going to come and get you. I'll scratch on your door three times, and that's when you come out," Miku whispered.

"Okay," Len whispered excitedly. Anything to lessen the time he had to spend in a small room with Gakupo.

Len had been sitting for over two hours on the edge of his bed. Gakupo was already snoring. The place reeked like lemons. Every scratch, creak, and rumble had Len on high alert.

She's late, Len thought, looking at the clock. It was 12:30. Maybe she got caught?

He could feel his eyelids starting to droop. He dashed to the bathroom, splashing his face with cold water. Don't fall asleep, don't fall asleephe thought. She'll be here soon, just don't fall asleep.

Finally, he heard what he had been waiting for. Those three scratches on the door.

"Miku!" Len whispered.

"It's me," Miku replied. "Come on out, the coast is clear."

Len slid off the bed and tiptoed towards the door. When he was almost there... CREEAAAAAK… The floor underneath him made just the slightest noise as he put his weight on it, but it felt like it was as loud as a thousand gunshots.

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