chapter 9

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"Wh—why are there a bunch of new girls here? And a bunch of GUYS?" Len gasped. It had been a week since the class trip, and the heat of summer was on its way. It was strange to see one student, let alone a mass of students, transfer in this late into the year.

"The new girls are pretty cute if you ask me," Gakupo laughed. "Does it bother you that there are more guys to steal the girls' attention, Len?"

"No. Of course not," Len snapped. "Personally, I'd rather not think of girls right now. Girls make me want to puke."

"If girls are that bad, then you like guys now?" Gakupo asked, smiling.

"NOT GAY," Len said.

"You get dumped for the first time and now you've lost your sense of humor," Gakupo said, shaking his head. "There are many more fish in the sea, Len. You're bound to find a better one."

"How do you know all these things? You probably don't even have a girlfriend," Len said coldly.

"I am the type who prefers not to broadcast their relationships to the whole world," Gakupo said. "And at least my girlfriend can be assured that I will never cheat on her."

"It wasn't cheating!" Len shouted.

"Fine. Have it your way at Burger King.* It was a fling with Hatsune-san. Case closed," Gakupo said.

"I—I was under the influence!" Len exclaimed. "I never meant to do those kind of things!"

"VODKA VODKA!" Gakupo burst out laughing. "Sorry, I just had to say that for some odd reason."

You…are such a dumbassLen thought, shaking his head.

"You two are HIL-arious," Meiko said. Len hadn't noticed that she was sitting next to them.

"Sakine-san," Len said.

"I'm not mad at you, Kagamine-san. I don't hate you. I've been thinking about it all along, and I've come to realize that we both have our own set of problems to figure out. Maybe one day we can be friends, but until then, we must follow our own path," Meiko said.

"Um, okay then?" Len said, confused.

"You are so dumb! Can't you tell that I'm willing to give you a second chance?" Meiko snapped.

"Sure," Len said, shrugging. He didn't really care either way.

"One cannot love till one has also lost," Gakupo said.

"Where did you get that from?" Len asked.

"Off a greeting card!" Gakupo said cheerfully. "For a friend who suffered through a terrible break-up."

"I don't want it," Len said.

"Darn. I even got out the ice cream and sappy movies," Gakupo said.

"Attention please!" Hanazuki-Sensei called. "Sorry I am late, everyone!"

"Good morning, Sensei," the class said in unison.

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