chapter twenty nine

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The group were making their way to another Mutant Underground hideout at Fairburn Station. Sage had heard on the police scanners that the Sentinel Services has caught wind of the mutant hideout and would be going after mutants there. The drive there was long and Lorna was speeding down the empty road.

John was on the phone with Reed Strucker who was currently at Fairburn Station along with the rest of his family. "Reed. We're on our way, less than five minutes out. What's going on?" John was saying. Winona was anxiously wringing her fingers together. "We're hiding out at the south end of the building, but we can't get to an exit," Reed said through the phone, which was on speaker.

"How many people are with you?" John asked. "Uh, just us and Wes. Uh, most of the refugees have already surrendered. Uh, Andy's hurt," he said quickly. Winona could sense that he was trying to remain calm. "How bad?" John questioned. "He's unconscious, but Cait is afraid to move him. Wes has put up a mirage to hide us. I don't think he can hold on forever," Reed answered.

"All right, we're almost there. Just hold on. We'll portal in, and get you out of there," John responded. Winona released a quiet breath of air as she felt fear creep into her. Lorna sped up the car.

When they finally arrived, Lorna parked the car in a mildly hidden area. They all quickly exited the vehicle. John stopped walking and focused, using his enhanced senses to deduce what's going on. Winona watched him intently. She bit her lip in nervousness, her fear for the Struckers and Wes growing. John turned to face them, "Sentinel Services is setting up around the building."

"Can you get us in?" Marcos asked Clarice. "Yeah, I think so," she responded, going to take a step away from them. A loud crash caused them all to freeze and look in the direction that it came from. "What the hell was that?" Lorna asked. "I have a feeling we're about to find out," Winona said. She turned around and walked to where Clarice stood.

The girl began to open a portal. Once it was big enough for them all to fit, they quickly entered. Winona quickly looked around the place. It was in complete chaos. There were mutants running around, trying to get to safety. Every thirty seconds, an explosion would shake the building. Winona was having trouble just staying on her feet. "John, where are they?" Lorna yelled over the noise.

"Go! Down the hall!" John shouted at them as they ran through the building. Another explosion hit, causing Winona to duck down. She took a breath and continued running down the hall. Behind them, doors were being blown open. The walls were being destroyed. Winona had no idea what was going on or what was causing it. But whatever it was, was definitely not good.

They ran up stone steps and continued pushing forward. John was leading the group, directing them on where to go. Winona briefly turned her head to the side, looking out of an opening in the wall. Two mutants with a contraption on each of their arms were stood outside. They were the ones causing this damage.

"This way, come on!" John yelled. The four ran after him, more explosions happening behind them. Winona covered her head as rubble flew towards her. They entered a room and the Struckers were there with, who she assumed was, Wes. She hadn't met the boy when he was staying at the Underground.

Winona breathed out a sigh and went to where Lauren was sat on the floor. She helped a very weak Wes up, putting one of his arms around her shoulder. John urged them all forward and they ran out of the room. Winona was careful as she made her way down the stairs. An incredibly loud explosion happened behind them, one that almost knocked Winona off of her feet.

She was breathing erratically as she tightened her grip on Wes. "They're too powerful! Get us out of here now!" John shouted to Clarice. She nodded her head and ran down another set of stairs before opening a portal. They all quickly ran through it and ended up back in the woods. They quickly made their way through it, ducking down when they saw Sentinel Service agents.

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