chapter five

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Eleven months ago

"No no no!" Winona shouted as the tow truck took her car away. It wasn't her car exactly, but rather a car that she had stolen. "Dammit!" She exclaimed. She watched the truck drive away and sighed. She looked around the area.

It was dark out and she didn't know where to go. She pulled out the temporary phone that she had purchased a few days ago. She opened up Google and began searching for the nearest bus station. There was no way that she was going to go find that car and get it back. It was too risky.

She opened up the GPS and began following it. By the time she reached the bus station, it was already closed. "Fan-fucking-tastic," she muttered. She looked around and began walking away from the station. She looked down at the phone to find it dead. She heaved an annoyed sigh. The further away she got from it, the colder it got.

Winona zipped her jacket up and crossed her arms across her chest. Her backpack bumped against her back with every step she took. A few hours go by and Winona found herself trying to hitchhike. At this point, she didn't care how dangerous it was or if she died.

If she didn't get inside of somewhere warm, she would probably die from hypothermia anyway. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but still. She was freezing. Every car that past by her that she tried to get to stop, just continued going. She shivered as she slowly walked along the side of the road. Another car drove up behind her. Winona stuck out her thumb and to her surprise, the car pulled to stop.

The passenger window rolled down and Winona could see a woman with brown hair and a kind smile. "Hey. What're you doing out in the cold?" The woman asked. "Trying to get out of it," Winona replied. "By hitchhiking?" She asked. "I've run out of options," Winona said.

"So I take it you need a ride," the woman stated and Winona nodded. "All right, come on in," she said. Winona took timid steps toward the car. "Don't worry, I don't bite," the woman joked. Winona stopped in front of the car. What if she tries to murder me when I get in?

The woman laughed. "I'm not gonna murder you sweetheart," she said. Winona's eyebrows furrowed and she took a step back. She felt a stabbing pain in her head and squeezed her eyes shut. I'm not gonna hurt you. She heard the woman's voice. In her head.

"How did you do that?" Winona questioned, taking a step away from the car. "The same way I read your mind," she replied. "You're a telepath?" Winona asked, unsure of herself, to which the woman nodded. "You are too," she stated. "I guess," Winona muttered. "Get in," the woman urged. Winona nodded slowly and opened the passenger door.

She slid into the vehicle and turned to the woman. "You were on the news, weren't you?" The woman asked. "The girl from the store," she continued. Winona looked down at her lap and nodded. "Well, I'll be damned. Don't worry though, you're safe with me. I promise," she said.

Winona nodded. "What's your name again?" The woman asked next. "Winona. What's yours?" Winona replied. The woman smiled widely.

"I'm Renee."


Clarice was breathing heavily while she laid on the floor. Winona was looking her over while Marcos was asking the girl if she were okay. Clearly, she wasn't. The unidentified people around her were asking all sorts of stupid questions.

Questions that none of them could answer. "Where's my dad?" The blonde girl asked, looking down at Clarice. The girl was ignored. Winona put the back of her hand against Clarice's forehead. "She's really warm," she told Marcos. "Hey! Where's my dad?" The girl asked again.

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