chapter six

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At the mutant headquarters, many mutants were picking up the furniture that had been knocked over. Winona sat on the couch, her eyes closed as she tried to rest in order to keep her strength up. "So, who is she, anyways?" Andy asked. Winona opened her eyes and looked over at Clarice.

"She's a refugee, escaped from jail," John answered. "Jail?" Lauren asked. "We found her," John continued. "What did she do?" Lauren asked next. "She used a portal to steal food from the back of a supermarket. Happens a lot with mutants who can't pass for human, they can't get jobs, one thing leads to another--" John is cut off by Clarice grunting. Her body lurched again, her back arching as her hands glowed that same purple color.

Winona hastily stood from her seat as another portal began to open. "Hey. It's happening. Get everyone safe," John ordered. Clarice was gasping for air as Winona moved over to her. "Everyone, move! Let's go!" Sonya commanded. Loud sirens could be heard on the other side of the portal.

Winona concentrated on Clarice, her eyes turning silver and glowing brightly. She began doing what she did before, which was push Clarice's mind into a wanted state. A calming state. She was starting to feel Clarice's pain again but did her best to ignore it. "Lauren? You got this?" John asked pointing to the portal. Lauren looked at Winona who briefly glanced the blonde's way and nodded.

Lauren nodded back at Winona and began using her shields to close the portal. Winona pushed Clarice down by her shoulders as the green eyed girl began to writh around. A pained grunt left Winona's lips as she, once again, tried to get Clarice to calm down. "Lauren hurry," John urged. The blonde grunted.

Winona concentrated harder as Clarice's mind continued to remain unsettled. It was all over the place. It was hard to concentrate on one thing when there was so many things going on. The girl then began to calm down and Lauren was able to close the portal. Winona gasped as she leaned against the metal table. Her breathing became ragged again and she tried to get it under control. "That was way too close," Andy commented.

"Winnie? Hey, you okay?" John asked, his voice laced with concerned. The girl nodded weakly and he came to stand next to her. He placed a warm hand on her lower back to steady her as she swayed. Ignoring the strange feeling that his hand on her back gave her, she turned to face him and gave him a weak smile. "Your nose," he whispered. Winona brought two fingers up to her nose and felt the slippery substance.

She knew it was blood before looking at it. The crimson liquid coated her fingers and she sighed. She brought the back of her hand up and wiped under her nose. "You're not okay," he realized. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," she assured. "It's hard to not worry about you. What you're doing is draining you of your energy. Among other things," he said, motioning to her face.

"It's okay. I can handle it. I'll be okay, Johnny," she said, her tone teasing as she said his name. He sighed and shook his head. "Do not push yourself too hard. If you feel too tired to continue, then don't continue," he said and she nodded. "I mean it, Winnie," he said. She nodded again, "I understand."

He sighed quietly. "I'll be back in a minute. Anything happens, you yell," John told the three before turning to Winona. "Take it easy, all right?" He said. "Yeah," she said. "I'm serious," he said. "I know dad," she replied. His eyes narrowed. "Don't call me that," he said and she smiled. "Aye aye captain," she responded, giving him a salute.

He rolled his eyes whilst shaking his head before running off. Winona released a pained breath as she stumbled over to the couch, taking a seat on it. She slowly slid onto her back and laid down. "What you're doing it's insane," Andy said to his sister. "Thanks," she replied. It was quiet for a moment. "Do you think, um do you think mutants drink soda? I'm kind of thirsty," Andy jokingly asked.

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