chapter eleven

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Seven months ago

Winona quickly twirled the bo staff in her hands. Once she had a firm grip on it, she swung it around and hit it against the back of Edward's legs. He lost his footing and tumbled to the ground. A loud groan escaped his lips and he tried to sit up.

Winona used one end of the staff to push him back down. "All right, I yield," Edward said, holding up his hands. Winona smiled and lifted the staff off of his chest. She stuck out a hand and he took it, allowing her to help him up. "Damn, you've gotten a lot better at this," he muttered.

"That's because I'm awesome," Winona said. "Don't go get all cocky on me, not too long ago I was the one knocking you on your ass," he said. Winona shrugged, "That was the past. Move on and accept that I'm more awesome than you." Edward sent her a playful glare as Winona put her bo staff away.

"I don't like to lie," he retorted. She punched him in the arm and he winced. His hand came up to rub the spot that she had hit. "You hit hard," he noted. The two began exiting the training room. "Sorry, Eddie. It's not my fault I got these bad boys," she said, lifting both of her arms up and flexing.

He laughed, "What am I supposed to be looking at? Your skinny twig arms?" Winona scowled and punched him again. "Ow! Stop hitting me!" He exclaimed. "Stop hitting me!" She mocked. "Immature," he said between a fake cough. "Loser," she said back in a similar manner.

The two entered the kitchen and Winona took a seat at a stool around the island. Edward walked to the fridge and began rummaging through it. He pulled out two water bottles and handed one to Winona before closing the fridge. He leaned against the counter and looked at her.

"So, I've been doing some more digging. No one seems to know where she is," Edward said after a brief moment of silence. Winona looked up at him. "How is that even possible? Somebody has to know something," she said. "I've spoken to quite a few people. The only time that they've heard the name Elaine Martin, was on the news," he said.

"So what does that mean?" Winona asked. "Most likely that they don't have the jurisdiction to know anything. The information is probably classified and if we want to learn more about what happened to Elaine, we need to speak to someone higher up," Edward said. Winona nodded slowly. "Do you know anyone that's higher up?" She asked him.

He sighed, "I know one person. But if I go asking him questions, he'll get suspicious." Winona sighed in defeat. "Do you have any good news for me?" Winona questioned. "Well, based on the information I've told you, Elaine is either in a highly secured location or she's--" Edward cut himself off and looked down.

"Or she's dead," Winona realized. "It's probably the first one," Edward said, trying to reassure her. "I'll keep digging. I'll find something," he said and she nodded. He walked around the counter and gave her shoulder a light squeeze before leaving the kitchen. Winona sighed and laid her head in her hands.

"Where the hell are you Elaine?"


As soon as they arrived back at headquarters, Winona and Sonya brought Harry to the vault, Clarice following after. They carefully laid him on the couch. Sonya left to go get someone to help and Winona left the room to get a breath of air.

It was then that she noticed the excessive amount of people in the bank. She grew confused and maneuvered her way through the people and to where she knew Sage would be. Sure enough, she found the girl sitting at her computer. "Sage!" Winona called. Sage turned around and Winona made her way over to her.

"What's going on? Why are there so many people here?" Winona asked. "Sentinel Services. After you guys hit the convoy, they hit back. They raided any and every safe haven for mutants that they could find. Everyone here had nowhere else to go," Sage answered. Winona sighed and shook her head. "Dammit," she muttered.

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