chapter twenty eight

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The Struckers had gone. Winona was sad to see them go but Caitlin and Reed had their minds set on leaving. After Winona said her goodbyes to the family, she went to find Renee. She had been acting strangely ever since learning more about the Frost sisters.

Winona found her talking to Clarice. The green eyed girl looked slightly uncomfortable with whatever Renee was saying. Clarice kept stealing glances at where Dominic was sat across the room. Winona rolled her eyes. Renee's smirk widened when she noticed Clarice's action and Winona walked over to them. "What are you talking about?" She asked, taking a seat beside Clarice.

"Your friend here is informing me on all things Dominic. I'm not sure why though," Clarice answered, leaning back in her chair. Winona turned to her. "Well, you have been spending an awful lot of time with him," she said, raising her eyebrows. "No I haven't," Clarice responded. Renee raised her eyebrows before looking at Winona.

"We've just been talking. I mean, he's staying here and said that he wanted to get to know everyone," Clarice said. "Well you seem to be the only person that he's willing to get to know," Renee said. Clarice looked between the two with wide eyes and Renee laughed. "Don't worry, it's a good thing. Kinda," she said. "Dominic's a good guy. You should give him a chance," Winona added.

"Oh and I'm supposed to be taking relationship advice from you? Little Miss 'It's Complicated'," Clarice said. Renee laughed again and Winona shot her a glare. "Take relationship advice from me, the happily married woman," Renee said. Winona rolled her eyes again. "Look, I appreciate what you guys are trying to do but it's unnecessary. I'm not interested and dating at a time like this is hardly ideal," Clarice said.

"I agree," Winona said with a nod. Clarice turned to her. "I meant for me. For you, it's perfectly fine," she corrected. Winona scowled, "Are you serious right now, Clarice?" The green eyed girl shrugged. Winona's eyes narrowed at her. Clarice turned to Renee. "It was worth a shot," she said. Renee sighed. "You two are unbelievable," Winona muttered. "Better than annoying," Renee said back. Clarice laughed.

Winona looked between the two. "I don't like you guys talking," she said. "Well that's too bad. I like my future sister in law," Renee said. Clarice rolled her eyes. "Oh, cut it out," she said. "What? It's bound to happen," Renee defended. "I don't even know him," Clarice pointed out. "Not yet," Renee sang. "I'm done with this conversation," Clarice said standing up before walking away. "Aw, come on. I'm just joking," Renee called after her.

Clarice continued walking. "No you're not," Winona said. Renee laughed, "No I'm not." Winona looked at her friend for a long moment after that. "You've been acting a little weird since Sage told us about the Frosts," Winona said. Renee rolled her eyes at the mention of the Frosts. "What's up?" Winona questioned. "Nothing. I just don't like them is all. And their last name makes them creepier than they already are," Renee said.

Winona eyed her in thought. "I don't believe you. You're hiding something," she said. "I'm not. But I get why you'd think that. You've always been a little paranoid," Renee said. Winona shook her head, "You're trying to change the subject." Renee feigned confusion, "No I'm not."

Footsteps coming toward the two caused Renee to look up. Winona did the same only to see Lorna approaching them. "Hey, can we talk?" She asked Winona who nodded and stood. She turned back to Renee. "This conversation isn't over," she told her. She then began walking with Lorna. "What's up?" Winona questioned.

"The Frosts, what they did, you said that they didn't have to," she said, getting to the point. "Yeah," Winona said in confusion. "You said that there were other ways that they could've handled the situation. What did you mean by that?" Lorna said. "Well, telepaths can do a lot more than read minds, which you already know. We can do a lot. Mind control isn't the easiest thing to do but once you've gotten the hang of it, it's pretty simple. The Frosts manipulated those agents minds and got them to kill each other and themselves. Esme could've simply put them to sleep or told them not to move or do anything whilst she broke us out. They all could've done that. But they killed those agents for fun. Because they could and they wanted to," Winona explained.

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