chapter twenty six

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Two months ago

The wail of police sirens sent Winona into a frenzy. She was running as fast as she could but it seemed as though the vehicles were catching up. Running beside her were three other people whom she hadn't known for long.

Cyrus, a young man with long, sandy blond hair was laughing hysterically. He quickly turned and hurled a ball of fire at the police car. It screeched to a stop. Cyrus continued to laugh. "Shut up!" Iliana, a beautiful Hispanic girl, gasped.

Cyrus continued laughing. "Dude, cut it out!" That was Andre, a tall black man that looked nicer than he actual was. The four mutants slid to a stop as they reached the getaway car. Andre quickly threw the duffle bag into the car's trunk whilst the others entered the vehicle.

Andre rounded to the passenger side and once he was in the car, Cyrus took off driving. He sped down the deserted road with ease. "Whoo hoo!" He exclaimed. "What a rush," Iliana said. "Slow down," Andre commanded. Cyrus rolled his eyes but complied. "I cannot believe we just did that. Again," Winona muttered.

"Well believe it, chica," Iliana said, leaning back in her seat. Winona sent her a glare. "You guys didn't say that we'd be doing illegal stuff when you agreed to help me," Winona snapped. "You didn't ask," Cyrus stated simply. Winona's glare turned to him. "We told you there was a price," Andre pointed out.

"Well you should've told me that this was the price! And you said that the last job was the last time we were gonna do this shit!" She exclaimed. "We lied. It's what we do. And we didn't think you'd care anyway. You're the one that said you'd do anything to find your sister," Cyrus shrugged. "Except this! I'm already wanted by the freaking government! We could get caught!" Winona said.

"But we didn't. Plus we were wearing masks and Andre took the cameras out, nobody knows who it was. And it's not like we robbed a bank," Iliana said. "We wouldn't have gotten away with robbing a bank," Winona replied to which Iliana shrugged. "All right, first part is done, now we gotta talk about the next job," Cyrus said.

Winona's eyes widened. "No. No way. I'm done. I am not doing this again. Ever," she said. "Hey, you want us to help you find your sister or not?" Cyrus questioned. Winona didn't hesitate to reply. "I am not doing this again," she stated firmly. Cyrus pulled the vehicle to a stop. "That's your choice, best of luck to you," he said, putting the car in park. Winona knew what was happening so she took off her seatbelt.

Andre stepped out of the car and Winona did the same. He quickly went to the trunk and opened it up. He unzipped the duffle bag and pulled out some money and held it out to her. "I hope you find your sister," Andre said. Winona took the money from his grasp and turned to walk away.

The man quickly reentered the car before it sped off into the night. Winona sighed and briskly walked down the deserted road. She now had to figure out what she was going to do next.


Winona stood solemnly as Lorna spoke.  The Underground was holding a funeral for Sonya. In her tight grip was a bundle of flowers. On one side of Winona was Elaine, who stood with her arms crossed. On the other side of Winona was Renee. When Winona and the others were taken, Marcos got ahold of Winona's phone and called Renee. He figured that she would be willing to help. He was right.

She along with Edward and Dominic came to Atlanta rather quickly with the help of one of Dominic's friends. The three aided in the rescue plan that went to hell. Edward was stood on the other side of Renee. Dominic was stood next to Clarice. Winona wasn't exactly sure why. To say Winona was shocked to see them would be an understatement. In all honesty, she never thought that she would see any of them ever again.

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