Another boring Author's Note ~~~ :)

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Hello readers~
Nope this isn't a new chapter but something like an announcement. 

I will be uploading a new story! I do not know the name yet, it is something I wrote a year or so ago. Not finished but has a bit of a story ready.
It has nothing to do with the supernatural world, but yeah I thought you might want to know.

Here is a small piece of work:


“Melanie Evans.”

   Shakily I stand on my feet, smooth down my clothing and head towards the voice. An unusually tall and slim woman, with blonde hair and a kind smile is standing in front of me, blocking my way from the door behind her.

 “Miss Evans, I trust?” 

 Trying to look professional, I give a polite smile and a curt nod.

 Her overly- white teeth shine when she flashes a bright, dazzling smile and takes my folder off my arms.

 “Very well, please follow me.” 

 Walking obediently behind her, I take a quick glance around the hall. Its ceiling is high, full with angelic paintings; it indeed looks magical and the walls are also covered with paints and pictures. Even while wearing my heels, I can sense how soft and fluffy the velvety red carpet feels under my feet. 

  “Miss. Evans, could you wait here for a moment? I will be back with you in a minute” 

  Blinking out of my thoughts, I realize we’re in the dinning room of a huge room- suite definitely. The tall, blonde woman walks off the room and suddenly I’m left alone in this overly- big bedroom. 

While I’m all by myself, I decide to take a look around the suite. On the dinning table, there are plenty of folders in different colors, mine on top. 

 Melanie Phoebe Evans, my photograph and the rest of my details written with the same bold letters underneath my name. 

 Well, don’t touch anything, they aren’t yours.

 I scowl at my subconscious, I know I should not touch anything, and I surely won’t. Walking quietly back in the middle of the room, I shuffle on my feet. Mentally, I go through all the questions they’ve sent me two weeks before, and all the answers I am about to give. 

 Concentrate, you’ve been practicing non-stop you’ll do great.

 Yeah right, it’s me I am going to be interviewed in a few minutes, not you! I frown at my subconscious’ rolling eyes and wait. ...


So here it is. I wondered if any of you would read it?
Tell me your opinion! 

Love you all and have a nice weekend <3

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