Chapter Nine: The Champions

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Yay! New chapter! Sorry for going dormant on you guys!! To those who have stayed, you're awesome!! I've been very busy with uni lately, but I'm trying to get back into my writing so I'll do my best to be more frequent with my updates!!

After spending a significant amount of time trying it rid myself of the dark thoughts Snape had put into my head, I made my way to the Great Hall for Halloween dinner.

Snapes words replayed over and over in my head and despite the vigorous amount of energy I had put into snobbing my annoying tears, there Snape was at the high table, looking over at me.

What a jerk. What an absolute jerk! Speaking to me that way....

"Hey! Ella!" I heard Fred cry out from the table. Darting my attention away from Snape I made my way to sit down with him. As I sat down and exhausted a great breath, Fred picked up his shiny golden plate and held it up to my face so that I could see my own reflection.

"You look a mess." He remarked, his eyebrows raised.

At the instant realisation that I had not yet fixed the probable tear stains in my eyes, I picked up my own plate and stared at my reflection. Rubbing away at the salty stains on my cheeks, I noticed Fred's concern look.

"Snape give you a rough time then?"

"What?! How did you know?" I hissed.

He frowned at my shock. "Weellll he did ask you to stay behind after we had been given the antidote. He probably wanted to give you a hard time for punching Draco in the face, what with their little teachers pet relationship and all."

"Oh. Right."

"It's okay you know, Snape can make people cry. You don't have to be ashamed."

My eyes widened at the thought. I faked a poor laugh. "Pfft! Snape? Snape make me c-cry? Pfffttt. Whatever. I stubbed my toe on the way here and my eyes got all watery." I laughed again, a little too cocky. "Pfft, Snape."

The look on his face in that moment was the most unconvinced and sarcastic look I had ever seen. In some ways it was kind of cute, but I didn't like the idea of Fred thinking that a bat bully like Snape had made me cry....even though it was kind of true. "Right." He replied, sarcasm drooling from every inch of his mouth. I knew he was going to continue to pursue the truth, but luckily Angelina Johnson appeared in the Great Hall.

"Hey guys!" She said, taking a place next to me on the bench, her hair brushed, conditioned and moussed to the most glorious shine.

"Hey!" Fred's face lit up while George gave her a warm smile.

"You guys were pretty hilarious today the way you made an aging potion!" She let out a laugh. "I'd never even thought of an idea like that! You're so clever."

I clenched my fist as Fred's face turned a crimson red. "Well," he said "I do have my clever moments-"

"- Actually Fred," interupted George. "by the sounds of it, she was talking to me. I am the clever one Ange, I came up with the whole idea myself -"

I wanted to pinch him or something to remind him that I was right there. The potion was my idea, and I was the one who knew how to make it in the first place!

"You are both so clever" Angelina clarified. I could tell she was just as tense as the rest of the table, myself included, at Fred and George's obvious rivalry for her attention. I however, was completely blended into the background. Angelina's presence alone made me feel like I was never there in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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