Chapter Five: Hunky Durmstrangs + Slutty Beauxbatons

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At the long Gryfinndor table we sat together, eating, drinking, and conversing about the night's events. Suddenly a tall, old man with wise eyes and a white beard that reached his belt stood at the podium and began to speak. George nudged me and whispered in my ear who the man was but I didn't need to be told because I'd seen his face several times in the papers - it was Albus Dumbledore. I remembered how Lucius always spoke of him in disgust, like he was some hideous, evil old wizard. But his eyes were kind and he spoke with a tone of humour and a smile in the corner of his mouth.

"...But more on that later. And now, please join me in welcoming, the beautiful ladies of the Beauxbatons Acadamy of Magic!"

Suddenly the doors burst open and girls dressed in a fancy blue uniform entered the hall. With great elegance and grace they fluttered and danced down the isle, stopping every five steps to go "Haaaa" in an angelic way to the boys. Eventually they fluttered near me and one did the "Haaa" to Fred.

Slut slut slut slut was all that came to my mind as I clenched my fist in jealousy. She was beautiful, practically angelic. She had blonde hair and silver eyes. She was beautiful and I hated it, especially once I'd noticed the expression Fred had as she glaced at him. He looked like he was under a love potion. With my jaw clenched, I nudged him slightly as she fluttered off, hoping to distract him.

Once they reached the front they did this really elegant dance with jumps and flips showing off not just their magic but their acrobatic skills.

"Wow Ella, look at her." Gawked George.

"That is one big woman" Said a guy sitting at our table called Seamus Finnagin. I rolled my eyes believing they were gaping at some other Beauxbatons girl but to my relief it was only their principal. I could tell straight away - she was definitely part giant. The death eaters would work with them all the time as allies.

I didn't clap when the Beauxbatons girls finish. I wasn't alone as I realised not too many other Hogwarts girls were clapping either.

Suddenly these other guys entered - big hunky muscular guys. They did this really awesome warrior-like dance with a staff in hand. It was so scary yet so powerful. My heart stopped when one of them caught my eye - it was Viktor Krum! I saw him at the Quidditch World Cup! I didn't know at the time that he was still in school.

But then, another thing caught my eye - Igor Karkoroff.

He's a death eater! He's supposed to be in Azkaban and they made him principal of the hunky dude school? What the hell!

"What school is that?" I whispered to Fred.

"Thats Durmstrang." he replied. "They're from Bulgaria."

Of course. He must've fled there while the ministry was investigating my fathers supporters.

Igor then greeted Dumbledore with a hug and warm smile, which Dumbledore returned like an old friend. 

They can't be serious....

"That other school," Fred continued "is Beauxbatons. They're from France. I quite like that school don't you?"

I rolled my eyes and took a glimpse at the pretty Beauxbatons girls. "No." I said quietly.

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