Chapter Four: The Evil Hat and Me

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Fred, George and I hanged out for the whole ride. I felt like such a first year, having to get into first year robes because I wasn't sorted yet. Fred and George gave me the whole guide to Hogwarts. They told me about everything and everyone. Even the secret passageways. They really were the best friends ever.

Suddenly the train came to a stop. We were there. I felt a flurry of butterflies in my stomach. Now that I had made friends with two Gryfinndors, what if I went to Slytherin? What would they have thought of me then? My father was a Slytherin, so why not me? I hated Slytherin. Having met Fred and George, all I had then wanted was to be in Gryfinndor with them and all the other people they'd told me about.

As we got off the train I looked to the boats, thinking that I'd probably have to go in with the little first years.

"Well," I sigh. "I guess I'll see you later."

As I turned around, a ringing of happiness hit my ears as I heard a voice say. "Aye Ella! Where do you think your going?" I looked back to see Fred following me.

"Hey come on!" said George who had just caught up. "Just because its your first year doesn't mean you have to go with THE first years. You're with us sixth years now."

I couldn't help but grin. I followed the two and walked with them to these self pulling carriages.

We took the carriages to the castle. Despite the twins rattling on, I couldn't help but drift into thought. How would Hogwarts sort me into my house? A test? Magic? Or was it all random?

"Fred?" I said as I nudged him. "How do they sort us? Into our houses?"

"Easy," Began George. "Because you're a first year in your sixth year, you don't have to suffer the humiliation by having your sorting done by having a silly old hat on your head in front of the entire school. You get to go into McGonagals office and have the hat choose there." 

I grimaced. "A hat?"

Fred laughed. "You'll see Ella. And don't you worry your little first-sixth year head off, you won't have to battle any dragon or goblin to know what house you're in."

Suddenly I heard a familiar horrible voice. "Hey Draco do you want some of my licorice wand?" Asked Goyle with his face stuffed with food.

"Shut up Goyle and stop eating that bloody food!" Draco commanded.

"Sorry Draco" he mumbled. 

"Hide me!" I squealed, ducking behind the twins onto the floor of the carriage. They both smirked a little and looked down at me.

"Why are you afraid of bloody Malfoy?" Whispered George.

I groaned. I couldn't very well have told them that Draco would tell on me to Lucius that I was hanging out with Gryfinndor blood-traiters because my father was Lord Voldemort and he'd be royally pissed, could I?

"Because if he sees me he'll start yapping and never stop."

"You're afraid of that?" they whispered together.

"Just tell him to piss off!" Whispered George.

"I...." It was time to change the subject. I didn't want them knowing how much power Lucius held over me."..hey is that Hogwarts there?"

"Yep there she is." said George as I looked up at him from that floor of the self pulling carriage.

It was beautiful, more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. It was all stone, like I imagined, though a hell of a lot bigger. The most beautiful thing about Hogwarts when I saw it for the very first time was the immaculate glow that it had - every window glowed with the light of candles from inside, as though God himself resided in there.

It took a while for me to sneak out of the carriage with Fred and George with out Draco noticing. Draco - stupid, arrogant like his father. Yeah, thats what he was.

"Hey who's that walking with Draco?" I mused. "That girl there that he's got his arm around?"

They both sniggered. "That Pansy Parkinson." said Fred.

"His giiiirrrrllll frrrrrieeeennnnd" they chroused together. I was going to laugh aloud but we had already entered the castle so it came out like a cough. I began to giggle silently - finally I had some dirt on him. God I love High School.

As we entered the grand hall, both Fred and George were on both my sides.

"Hey listen we've gotta go sit down" said Fred.

"But we'll see you later on." said George.

"Oh and theres something else" whispered Fred.

"We've never really had a student come your age that was in our time before." said George. "

So we kind of made up the whole McGonagals office thing." finished Fred.

"But, then where will I have to do the sorting?" I asked.

Then they both leaned in real close and whispered "In front of the entire school"
My whole body froze as they slipped away.

"And that concludes our first year sorting." begins McGonagal. "BUT we have one new student in sixth year for sorting and that is Ella - I'm sorry, Ella Cardis?" I walk up to the front and whisper to McGonagall. "Um, its Caedis." I say.

"Cardis?" she replies.

"No, no" I said. "Caedis. Repeat after me, Cae-dis. Caedis"

"Car-ed-is?" she asked.

"No! Caedis! There's no 'r' just the 'aed'. Caedis" I grew irritated and more louder.

"So," she began, "so it's, Cardis?"

I sighed, giving up. There was obviously no swaying her. "Yes."

She nodded and pointed me to the chair with the big, ugly hat.

"Absolutely hopeless" I sighed, sitting down onto the chair as McGonagall sat the hat onto my head.

I didnt know what to expect next..until suddenly I heard the hat talking to me.

"Well I think me, he just kept saying "Hmmm, bit of Hufflepuff in there. Umm oh yeah some Slytherin..Definatly Slytherin."

"No! Not Slytherin!" I whispered aloud.

"Why not? you've got a heart as cold as you know who himself" it replied.

"What? How dare you! You know at least I have a heart!" I said angrily.

"Oh get over it." He began, reminding me of a drunk uncle taunting the kids at Christmas. I was about to get up and throw the stupid hat on the ground until suddenly he said in a horrible, low whisper, silent enough that only I could hear: "I know who you really are, Riddle."

"Please please okay I'm sorry just don't tell..." I replied, my voice low and nervous.

"- BUT, you do have a brave and daring heart." Suddenly the evil hat exclaimed to my relief, the beautiful words of..... "GRYFINNDOR!"

I sighed, jumping up and power walking to the Gryfinndor table, all while passing Draco who's face was full of disgust and disappointment. As I walked over I noticed Fred and George signalling to me to sit by them. Hurridly, I rushed over.

"Hey guys."

"I cannot believe you consulted with the hat Ella" Said George.

"What do you mean?? Isn't all that supposed to be silent in my head like I thought it was?"

Suddenly an uproar of laughter burst from the twins.

"Look's like your not on the hats good side. He must've triggered something on your brain so you said it all out loud." Explained Fred.

"Poor little Ella" Laughed George.

I felt my cheeks begin to glow redder the more I pretended not to be embarrassed, so I covered them with my hands and leaned on the table pretending to be bored. Either way I was happy to not be in Slytherin - from what I'd heard the common rooms were horrible! And it meant another thing too: I was nothing like my father.

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