Chapter 18

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Esme’s POV

The first day of the swap was upon me, which means that I have to wake up at 6 am and get all of the children ready for school. I head out of my room and start knocking on Chrissy’s room. There’s no response so I knock one more time and open the door slowly. “Christie?” I whisper “time to get up.” Christie moans and flips over to the other side of the bed. I guess I’m going to be letting her sleep in 5 more minutes.

I head to the next door and knock on it slightly. I hear a faint “I’m up” from Maddie so I head to the last door to wake up Hannah.

I walk in to the room and rub Hannah’s shoulder slightly. She shivers and slowly opens her eyes. “Hannah you have to get up to get ready for school.” She nods her little head and stumbles out of bed.

I go back to my room to get dressed for the day. I have to remember to do it at a human speed so that no one gets suspicious. As I walk out of my room I notice that my suspicion was correct; there was a fight going on for the bathroom. I’m so glad right now that we have more bathrooms then girls in our house. 

“Girls! What is going on here?” I ask as I walk towards the bathroom.

They look guiltily towards me, but quickly turn back towards their fight for the bathroom. Maddie turns towards me and states; “Chrissy’s taking too long in the bathroom!.” 

I sigh and knock on the door “Chrissy, it’s me Esme, are you all right?”

“NO!” She yells back through the door.

“What’s wrong honey?” I say in a soothing voice. I’ve handled many a bathroom breakdown between all of my four girls.

“She opens the door slightly so that I can see her face and she points towards her forehead. “I have a pimple!” She screams again.

I sigh, this is not something I’ve dealt with in over a hundred years, since my own human years but I know that a little foundation and concealer should cover that up nicely. “Honey, just use some concealer it should cover that up fine, it’s not even that noticeable as it is right now.” I tell her softly, trying to calm her down.

“It is horrible! And I’m not allowed to use any makeup!” She seems to be falling apart as it is right now.

“Well honey how about you step out of the bathroom as there is nothing you can be doing in there right now so your sisters can use it and we can go to my room and I can fix that up nicely.” I say with a smile. She sniffs and walks out of the bathroom slowly. Maddie thanks me softly and rushes into the bathroom.

I take her into my room and grab out the makeup bag I’ve never had use for but Alice seems to have known to pack for me. I smile at this and remind myself to thank her for this later.

Chrissy seems to be calming down but as I pull the makeup bag out, she starts crying again; “I’m not allowed to use makeup! Mommy says that it makes me look like a h-hooker” she whispers while she’s crying.

“Well it’ll be our little secret, no one will ever know.” I say with a grin.

At this she sniffs and then sits down so I can put the concealer on, she seems to start smiling just a little bit.

I lightly dab on the concealer that just happens to be too dark for my skin color but a perfect match for Chrissy. I laugh slightly to myself and just think ‘Alice.’

I finish up quickly and show Chrissy herself in the mirror hanging in my room. “What do you think?”

“It’s perfect!” She says with a grin. She walks closer to the mirror and says; “you can’t even tell I’m wearing makeup!” 

At this I smile and walk towards her and say; “Having 5 girls in a house will let you perfect your makeup skills” I say along with thinking ‘and a hundred years to practice.’

I turn towards Chrissy again and ask; “Chrissy, when rule change happens, do you want to go out and get some makeup for yourself?”

She looks towards me with almost wonder and just nods mutely. I smile but all of a sudden frown when I think; If this family is not even allowed to wear makeup Alice is about to be in for a hell of 2 weeks.

Chrissy turns towards me worried, “What’s wrong Esme?”

“Oh I was just thinking, one of my daughters, Alice, is going to be in a lot of trouble for the next two weeks. She can’t go a day with out shopping. I wonder how her life is going to be for the next two weeks.” 

At this Chrissy laughs and says “I’m sorry to say but my mom’s definitely not going to let that continue on. Wait, does she actually shop everyday?”

I smile and nod my head “yes she can’t go a day with out stopping by Christian Louboutin or Channel.”

Chrissy looks up at me with wonder in her eyes and just smiles, I hear her say slightly to herself, so low that I’m not supposed to hear; “next week is going to be amazing!” 

I smile and show her out of my room. We don’t want her to be late on my first day!

I follow Chrissy down the stairs where Marc already has breakfast ready. I smile but Marc looks towards me worriedly. “Esme! Molly would have left 10 minutes ago, I though you had already left or I would have come and got you.”

I totally forgot that I had to go to Molly’s work today, and Marc had to take care of the kids! At least this is a good excuse for not eating breakfast. 

I run out the door keys in hand and jump in the one car in the driveway, and pull out, ready to act like a real human.

What do you think? This is my first Esme POV in a while. Let me know if it's as good as the old ones. As always please comment and vote for this! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2012 ⏰

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