The Poisoned Apple

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Rasa felt a sudden relief when the third Kazekage made his appearance.  Sasori arriving with his comrades brought relief to the sand ninja.  The sound ninja seemed hesitant to keep fighting whenever the third Kazekage made his appearance. The Oto-nin continued to fight, but when they realized that they were going to lose, they tried to flee. Deidara prevented them from fleeing with his bombs. He would surround them with his clay figures and when they neared it, it would explode.

Rasa, Gaara, and the third Kazekage used their sand to let the Oto-nin sink into the ground while the remaining Suna ANBU would knock out the stragglers. Chiyo, Sasori, and Kisame incapacitated the ninja that were trapped. Sakura, Kankuro, and Temari stuck to the edges with some jonin and chunin, blocking the spots that Deidara couldn't manage. 

It didn't take long for the Suna shinobi to quickly finish up the fight. With a majority of the Oto-nin unconscious, and the Suna shinobi who turned incapacitated in the sand, the third Kazekage seemed satisfied with the turnout. It wasn't long before Sakura found herself standing by Rasa and the sand siblings. Deidara circled them in the sky before he landed and joined the group followed by Kisame and Chiyo. Sasori and the third Kazekage were the last to arrive.

"Where's Teki?" The third Kazekage asked the group crossing his arms and scanning the battlefield for said man.

"He ran." Rasa replied. The third scowled and shook his head. "He was never fit to be the Kazekage." The third stated. Then he sighed and turned to an ANBU. "Go check on the villagers. See to it that they are told the fight is over and it is safe to return to their houses." The ANBU nodded and disappeared along with another ANBU. "It was an attack by Otogakure. The other Kage will be interested to hear this." The Kazekage told the group. Suddenly a big white bird landed behind Deidara and Kisame. Zabuza stood on it grinning behind the bandages covering his mouth.

"I found him. He didn't get too far away. In fact, his was trying to hide in a small town." Zabuza claimed. "Though I offered to bring him back to Suna without harm. He didn't take to kindly to the idea." The bird's mouth opened to reveal and unconscious Teki. The third Kazekage nodded.

"Where's Furai?" Sakura asked. Zabuza's grin dropped.

"The kid wasn't anywhere near Teki. I didn't see him so I think Teki dropped him somewhere." Zabuza claimed.

"We need to focus on repairs to the buildings that were damaged. Kudos to you for getting the fight away from the village as fast as you did. But there are still repairs to be made. You three are welcome to reside in the village for a couple days to get back on your feet." The Kazekage nodded to Deidara, Kisame, and Zabuza, "but I want to speak with you before you leave. Rasa, I need to speak with you later." Rasa nodded.

"Kazekage-sama." Chiyo called.  "What of these ninja." Chiyo gestured to the unconscious enemies. 

"We will contain them until we can find another solution." The third Kazekage stated.  Sasori nodded.

"There's an abandoned prison beside the underground area I live in.  Suna hasn't used it in years.  You can use that." Sasori grunted out.  That was when Sakura noticed that he was barely able to stand.  His skin was pale white, and he looked as if he would fall down any minute. 

"Senpai?" Sakura asked drawing attention to her.  Sasori looked at her and she saw his bloodshot eyes.  Suddenly he began to fall forward, but Sakura sprinted and caught him, lowering him to the ground slowly. 

"Sasori!" Chiyo called worriedly.  Sakura immediately began to check him over, her medic instinct that Tsunade showed her kicking in.  Hovering her hand over his chest, she tried to use her chakra to find out what was wrong.  The third Kazekage turned and yelled out some orders to the ninja. 

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