Still Mad That You're Late

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It felt like hours had passed and there was still no change on the battlefield. Suna shinobi were still able to stand their ground, but Otogakure ninja were getting impatient. That and the shinobi in the area had noticed Teki's disappearance. Though Sakura's group had noticed Teki make his leave, apparently the other shinobi hadn't. They just assumed that Teki was defending the other side of the village.

But even that thought was suspicious. Why would two kage-leveled ninja be defending the same side when they could split up and defeat the enemies quicker. And if Teki was with the Third Kazekage, then wouldn't they be able to defeat the Oto-nin faster?

"Sakura!" Temari called swinging her giant fan. Sakura grunted in response as a ninja flew in a gust of wind.

"CHA!" Sakura shouted throwing her fist in the ninja's gut winding them. Using the force of her punch, Sakura threw the ninja forward and Croc impaled a senbon needle into the ninja's arms rendering them useless. Sakura then pulled the ninja back with chakra strings and hit him on the head efficiently knocking him out. Suddenly someone knocked Sakura off her feet and sent her flying.  Out of instinct Sakura attached chakra strings to Croc and pulled herself in the opposite direction knocking her into the traitor Suna Shinobi who attacked her.

"You know I'm really starting to get annoyed." Sakura panted to herself.  Though they didn't hear her say it, everyone else seemed to feel the same way.  They weren't getting anywhere in this battle.  They needed Sasori to come so they could turn the tables and finish the fight.  Even the Oto-nin seemed kind of annoyed.  Though Sakura had assumed it was because they had thought that Suna wouldn't be prepared enough to defend themselves.  Sakura scanned the area and noticed that Kankuro seemed to be getting overwhelmed so she ran to his aid.  Jumping the air, Sakura landed a kick in the abdomen of an Oto-nin about to attack Kankuro from behind. 

"I could've handled it!" Kankuro called out.  Sakura rolled her eyes getting in a defensive stance.  Unlike Kankuro she didn't like to rely solely on her puppet, preferring to attack with taijutsu and using Croc when she saw opportunities.  "I am a chunin you know!"  Sakura's eyes widened as Croc sent some senbon from the open holes in its eyes. 

"Really?" She shouted surprised that she hadn't found that out earlier.

"Yeah!  So is Temari and Gaara!" Kankuro claimed shocking the pinkette even more.  Sakura jumped and did a graceful front flip to avoid kunai that were sent her way before countering with kunai of her own. 

"You're telling me now?" Sakura asked incredulously.  Kankuro laughed as Crow trapped another shinobi. 

"If you were at the chunin exams you would've known!" Kankuro exclaimed.  Sakura rolled her eyes.  He knew why team seven didn't attend the chunin exams. 

"I'm really starting to think Sasori ditched us." Temari claimed as she neared the two. 

"Maybe he didn't.  I mean he could've died on the way." Sakura shrugged knowing full well the Sasori wouldn't have died. 

"Look up there!" Gaara called pointing overhead.  Sakura gave a quick glance in the direction he pointed in before losing her focus and staring up confusedly. 


There was a shout that echoed the area.

"ART IS A BANG!" Suddenly there was an explosion and a bunch of ninja flew back. Sakura, watched as the big white bird flew over the enemy dropping down explosives that would explode upon landing or in midair. 

"Look!" Temari called pointing to the sky alerting the other Suna ninja.  On top of the bird stood four figures and one of them was Sasori. The bird circled around the scattered enemy before it lowered itself down to the ground in front of Sakura and Kankuro. Sasori, along with the three other guys he had brought with him stepped off.

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