The Waiting Game

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Temari and Sakura were able to quickly locate Gaara and Kankuro, who were suprised to see the latter, and they went back to the Subaku's house. Currently, Sakura and the other three sat in the living room.

"First of all Sakura, what are you doing in Suna?" Kankuro asked Sakura curiously.

"Well, it's a really long story. Naruto, Sasuke, and I left Konoha to go train and we all ended up separating. Naruto is training with the sannin Jiraiya. Sasuke was training with Orochimaru, but he's not anymore, and I came to Suna to train under Sasori." Sakura explained.

"Sasori as in Sasori Akasuna?" Kankuro asked curiously with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"Yes." Sakura responded. "I've been training with him for awhile now. But he left for a mission and will be gone for around a month or so. So lately I've been staying with Chiyo. But anyways, how have you been? It's been forever since I last saw you!"

"We've been fine.  It's nice to see you again Sakura." Gaara nodded to her.  Temari nodded in agreement. 

"Thanks.  But Temari, why don't you like that Furai guy?  Like I get that he's a big flirt and all, and he seems like a total- okay never mind I get it."  Sakura stated.  Temari scowled at the mention of Furai. 

"His ego is about as big as all the five nations combined.  It only got bigger when his dad was announced as the future Kazekage." Temari began.

"You see, the counsel had narrowed it down to two possible Kazekages. Our dad and Furai's dad. Now have you ever heard about the Tsuyois?" Kankuro asked.  "They aren't any good.  Of course the elders don't know that.  Teki, Furai's dad, he was born in Suna, but grew up in Otogakure.  He came back to Suna years later and had Furai." 

"Why did he leave to Otogakure?"  Sakura asked. 

"Not a lot of people know.  Otogakure is split into two parts.  There's the shady part, and the good part.  Everyone here, even the elders, believe he lived in the good part of Otogakure."  Kankuro explained.

"But?" Sakura asked.  

"He didn't." Gaara said.  "He grew up in bad circumstances, and he joined a rouge gang."

"So Teki's done bad things and was a part of a rouge group." Sakura summarized.  "How come it's not on his record?"

"They have a good way of hiding things.  The Otogakure record keeper lives on their side of town, so he's not hard for him to convince." Temari stated.  

"How do you know all of this?" Sakura asked.  

"Our dad, he went on a mission with our uncle down there.  They were undercover for a couple months. " Kankuro explained.  Sakura nodded.  "We believe that, Teki only got the place of Kazekage over our dad because he has an influence on the counsel.  He obviously has to if they don't know about his past."  

"Are you going to try and do anything about it?" Sakura asked.  Temari shook her head.

"We can't.  If we do something bad it reflects on our father's image.  If we did do something and Teki wasn't going to be Kazekage because of it anymore, it would give our dad a bad look, and he might not be named Kazekage."  

"So you just play the waiting game?" Sakura asked.

"Yes.  The waiting game." Gaara confirmed.


Sasuke didn't know what to do.  He had about three seconds, that it would take for Kakashi to finally turn around, to hide.  But did he really want that?  

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