One Lash At A Time

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Part Twenty-Five

Part Twenty-Five

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Read With Caution
>Sexual Harassment Depicted <
[A/N summary provided]
- Vio

Jimin's hand shook as he unclipped his jewelry. He placed each piece of silver back into it's wooden box, swallowing once as he closed the lid. His gaze traveled to the slightly open window at his right, not being able to help the shiver that came down with the sudden whisk of breeze. It was dark out, almost extremely, but as high up as his quarters were, he felt as if he could almost be a part of that sky.

When Jimin returned his attention to the mirror in his vanity, he couldn't help but ghost his finger's delicately across his bare neck. The action was almost a compulsion, and the absence of metal made his vision begin to blur.
Jimin's hand fell to his side, and the small boy released an exhausted breath. The air only slightly passing from his lips, a quiet hum following.

Somewhere, Jungkook had a part of him. He had a reminder of Jimin's love strung around his neck, even though Jimin wasn't quite feeling so loving at the moment. It felt almost unfair, for Jungkook to be able and keep something so meaningful no matter how frustrated or hurt the older felt. Because, when you think about it, you can't just take back a piece of yourself due to a bad day.

Jimin scoffed, guessing that was the whole point of a relationship - sticking with one another even through the ugly - but it went against what felt safe in Jimin's mind. He liked that Jungkook was his happy place. That he had become an escape just as princessing was. Jungkook made him happy, in an almost dreamlike way, he made him happy. But falling for the idea of a person vs falling for the actual person were two very different things. It's a concept Jimin had yet to face, and now that the inevitable has happened, he had to confront the fact that Jungkook was and always will be, so much more.

Jimin stood up, walking around his room almost aimlessly as his mind continued to race. He moved to gather all the pairs of fuzzy socks that were scattered, stopping when he reached the three pairs given to him by Jungkook. His hand shook, and he bit his lip, a mixture of feelings bubbling inside of him due to their earlier fight. So, rationally, as a semi functional human being would, Jimin shoved them down deep with in the nearest drawer. He didn't understand how something so warm could feel so cold under his touch.

Almost as if on cue, the sound of a knock at the door made him jump. His heart instantly starting to race. Hurriedly, Jimin ran a hand through his hair as walked away from his drawers, dropping the remaining fuzzy socks to the floor. His hand wrapped around the knob, and his breath hitched as he swung it open. The fabrics of his skirts ruffled as they steadied to keep up with his fast pace. "Look Jungkook I'm-"


You're not Jungkook.

"Expecting someone?" Min Yoongi winked as he flashed Jimin a harmless grin. His eyes gleamed with a look of amusement as he pushed the rest of the heavy door open with one arm, stepping inside the room. His shoulder just barely brushed past Jimin's small frame as he walked past him. For a moment, Jimin was too stunned to move.

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