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Part Six


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Might be uncomfortable
[A/N summary provided]
(Sorry for the constant updates)

"It's been a while since I've seen this room." breathed out senior min Yoongi as he closed the door to the princess quarters. Jin accompanied Jimin to the rest of his activities as promised, but ended up having some emergency after receiving a text from Namjoon so Yoongi offered to take care of the younger instead. To be honest, it surprised everyone as the senior wasn't normally interested in helping out...well anyone, but in the moments he did decide to be useful, people were usually too stunned to argue.

Jin was - reluctant, but ended up nodding before running off to go find Namjoon as well as most likely apologize to Jungkook for his earlier scolding. Jimin was quiet on the way to his room, not used to being alone with the senior. He was only slightly taller than Jimin, but it felt like the guy could tower over him.

Unlike the rest of the former princesses, Yoongi tended to stay out of all the social scenes. Everyone knew him for being the one who got his term eliminated in the blink of an eye, and Yoongi didn't really behave much better now that he had less obligation. Seokjin hated it as he believed that members of the Court should love and cherish the school along with its students - Yoongi simply disagrees.

"It's bigger than I remember," Yoongi laughed out huskily, and Jimin felt his face get hot. The room was a rather private area for him, his one corner of complete safety, a tiny cut out of the world just for himself. Jimin only has had Jin come in, so having someone new made him feel really exposed. Jimin remembered the way that Jungkook had grabbed his hand back when they got lost, and tried to summon the surprising warmth and courage it had brought upon.

Yoongi let out a slight chuckle at Jimin's silence as he locked the door, walking up to the princess. His eyes gleamed with something Jimin couldn't name, but it made him worry all the same. Yoongi moves each muscle as a cat would, slow but graceful. Finally, the older got close enough to place his hands onto Jimin's tiny, delicate waist, digging in his nails as he lingered for a second before shifting to turn the younger around so that he can begin to unfasten the corset.

"Aw baby, don't pout, I know you like these pretty dresses." Yoongi growled, mistaking Jimin's expression for his feeling of loss over having to take off the elegant fabric. Yoongi's fingers felt cold through the material, and Jimin bit his inner cheek - screaming in his head with a mixture of anger and fear. He hated the way that the older made Jimin's one and only private space thick with feelings of unsafety - disrupting the atmosphere Jimin tried so very hard to build for himself. Stuffed animals decorated the shelves and fluffy socks layed across the floor. Even those looked feral at the moment - and it made Jimin absolutely livid.

But the younger could only bite his lip as Yoongi's fingers dug under the corset material each chance they could - to touch - to scratch - to feel.

Jimin whimpered out, feeling his hands go cold and bringing them together in front of him, kissing the tops of his interlocked fingers, wishing that he could actually feel Jungkook's fingers wrapped in his own at this moment, rather than grasping onto the ghost of them for some strength. Yoongi was a fool to think he would get the privilege of seeing Jimin cry.

"Jin did good appointing you for princess," Yoongi growled out slowly as he purred the words into Jimin's ear, releasing another one of the corset strands, "You really are a pretty one." He smirked at the way Jimin's body shivered from feeling Yoongi's breath against the skin of his neck.

Jungkook. Hands. Strength. Don't cry.

The corset fluttered down to the floor, and Jimin kept his head high as he began to untie his dress alone, not wanting the senior to get any closer to him than he already was, but Yoongi's hands covered Jimin's own and pulled them away from the fabric, "I'll do it, baby boy, don't you worry."

Jungkook. Hands. Strength. Don't cry.

Now the dress tumbled down to the ground, and Jimin yelped at how half hazardly Yoongi picked it up and tossed it into Jimin's closet. The senior then trailed his hands down Jimin's arms, tugging at the fabric of the gloves to pull them off, letting his own chest press as close to Jimin's back as he could while doing so. Jimin's breath hitched, and his body went cold at the way the action made Yoongi smirk, growing hungrier.

The minute Jimin could, he wrapped his hands around his body to cover the lingerie he was wearing. It was a delicate cream material that had lace edges to it, connecting to small wrappings around the tops of his thighs. "T-thank y-you." Jimin shuddered out, "y-you c-can go now."

Yoongi only grinned, his hands ghosting the top of Jimin's waist once more before taking one last long glance around the princess quarters, leveling on Jimin's entire body, then leaving so stealthily it was like he had never been there in the first place. All Jimin could hear before the emptiness took over was a subtle, threatening, "As you wish," from the older.

Jimin crawled into his massive bed the second
he heard his door shut, not bothering to turn off the lights. He was feeling a mixture of angry and confused, but mostly he was very cold. He let his body get swallowed up by his massive sheets, pulling a stuffed animal to cuddle before tossing it aside and choosing to huddle his knees close to his chest instead. Jimin could hear the shaking in his own breath, blaming himself for feeling so gross.

Yoongi was just helping him undress, Jimin shouldn't be so shaken up over it.

Jimin never should have gotten lost with Jungkook. He shouldn't have broke his heel. Shouldn't have just sat there as Jin scolded his guard. Shouldn't have let Taehyung leave either. Shouldn't have accepted Yoongi taking him back. Shouldn't be feeling this way.

It was all his fault.

Jimin reached to grab at the necklace with the intertwined figure eights resting on his collarbone - but even the metal did little to tears.

A/N - Don't forget to comment your thoughts! I really appreciate feedback, as you guys are on this journey right along with me. Also, I just swallowed a pill purely with my spit, idk if that's an accomplishment or not

Summary: (for all warnings there will be a summary provided for those who chose to skip)
Yoongi undress Jimin because Namjin had some emergency. Yoongs gets a bit touchy and when Jimin goes to sleep he feels all gross but blames himself

- Violette 🌷

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