Take A Breath

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Part Two


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- Vio

"J-Jin," Park Jimin gasped out in a sweet melodic groan, his breath was hitching as he tried to get his words out. The poor boy's body was experiencing a rough encounter, and he could just barely take it. "J-Jin Hyung! A-Ah~"

"You know I like it tight, baby."

"It's a fucking corset! I - I need to - breathe. I can't - May-maybe I'm dying."

"Page five, dear."

"I'm sorry, ducking corset."

"Better, now with less sarcasm." Seokjin tisked as his fingers weaved the last bits of corset strands.

Jimin fluttered his eyes closed as he loosened his grip on the long bars of his canopy bed. The younger was getting dressed in today's princess outfit, and Jin was apparently taking out whatever was stressing him on Jimin's tiny waist. The corset was tightened so hard that Jimin's lungs could pop, but he had to admit that it looked rather lovely. The shape the torture mechanism created was only fractionitly worth the trouble of putting it on.

 The shape the torture mechanism created was only fractionitly worth the trouble of putting it on

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"Sit down at the vanity," Jin nodded, and Jimin obeyed eagerly. This was his favorite part of being the school princess - actually, this terms ONLY princess. The makeup and hair. He had to admit he also loved the feeling of the silky and lace undergarments that he slipped on before Jin arrived as well. They felt smooth and comforting on his skin, and he could never get enough of them.

Jin moved Jimin's little body to face him, the ruffling of the boy's dress echoed in the unusual silence which settled into the room. Jin was the head of the courts and probably the most legendary former princess to have graced these halls. Jiminie looked up to him and wanted to make him proud - just as much as he wanted to beat the man's legacy. He knew he could do it too, the admiration of the boys at the academy was so thick you could cut it. But Jimin was going after so much more than just admiration.

"Jin Hyung?"

"Yes Minnie"

"Is everything okay, you seem more quiet today." Jimin pouted, biting the bottom of his lip. The older always took care of Jimin's dressing and undressing, and as much as Jimin loved looking at the fabulous way the man styles up the school outfits, he kinda missed their banter.

"I'm sorry, honey," Jin replied sweetly before rubbing his temples with a sigh, setting down the mascara brush he had just opened. "It's just with the Golden Gala coming up soon and the recent breach - I shouldn't trouble you with Court business."

"Trouble? Is it with NamJoon Hyung?"

"No no," Jin shushed Jimin with a sweet smile, he looked tired, with - were those bags?! - under his eyes and pale skin. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping well recently or maybe even switched to showers over lavender scented baths.

Really, only Jimin or the courts would notice such things, but when your company is the same group of people ... only ... you tend to pick up on these types of things. "Joon is just fine, baby. It's more of a student breach that I'm dealing with right now, but don't you fret-" Jin booped Jimin's nose and the younger giggled, "let us older kids worry. You're job is to look so stunning that everyone's troubles melt away with one look at you!"

Jimin smiled real bright at that, liking the thought of being able to turn around someone's day so drastically. People loved him for his looks, obviously - have you seen that round ass, juicy thighs, flat abs, plump lips (I can go one forever, the point is that the kid is fucking celestial) - but honestly everyone really fell for his personality. A single happy eyesmile or kind word from him could kill. Though they had him put a pause to the eyesmile for a little period after two boys fainted at a swim meet that Jimin attended.

Jimin was about to reply back when a knock came from the front door. The two boys turned to it and Jimin scooted off his seat, running back to quickly put on his favorite scent Serendipity on, before running to the door.

"TaeTae's here!!"

"Oh right, Jimin there's something else I forgot to tell you."

Jimin paused, his head cocking to the side and his dress rustling with the movement. His white gloved hands drop from the door handle as his lips part, "w-what? I-I didn't break any of the serious rules-"

"They're all serious," Jin laughed and went to rattle Jimin's hair calmly, "But no no, baby. It's nothing like that. Only that our little family grew! Taehyung won't be your only guard from now on, your popularity is on the rise but so is....other activity on campus...and so we appointed another student. A transfer, Jeon Jungkook."


"He should be behind the door now, actually."


"Is that okay?"

Jimin bit his lip and nodded, giving himself one last glance over in the mirror, more critical this time as he was about to meet someone new. He reached for the small golden chain of a necklace that has a two interlaced little figure eights tipped to its side. The minute his fingers touched the metal, he knew he was ready.

Jimin swung the door open, and his eyes locked immediately with a tall, chocolate haired boy. Jimin swore that his heart skipped a beat - more surprisingly, he thought maybe Jungkook's did too.

A/N - okay so this is so not the Jimin I usually go for writing but I did an rp as Jimin being less BAM BAM BAM and kinda fell in love with it(?) So here I am, incorporating Jiminie into a fic!!!

This is kinda what I image Jimin's room to look like but a different color

Also, I'm still working on the update schedule for this fic so for now it'll be random but I'll have concrete days up soon!

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Also, I'm still working on the update schedule for this fic so for now it'll be random but I'll have concrete days up soon!

- Violette 🌷

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