A Broken Kingdom

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Part Twenty-One

 "Jin!" Jungkook yelled across the hall as he caught sight of the tall senior

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"Jin!" Jungkook yelled across the hall as he caught sight of the tall senior. Jimin was still sleeping back in his room after Jungkook had baked some waffles for breakfast. As it was a weekend, Jimin wouldn't be needed to show up in class and Princessing could wait until tomorrow. The blond boy kept telling Jungkook that he was fine, that it was just a small freak out, but Jungkook wouldn't have any of it. Jimin was to rest today, and that's that.

"Jin, I was just about to look for you-" Jungkook yelled across the hallway. The older boy rolled his shoulders back as Namjoon whispered some words Jungkook didn't catch. Jin looked pretty shaken up and Namjoon moved a strand of Jin's hair behind his ear, rubbing the back of his neck slightly with tiny little circles.

Jungkook knew that move, knew something had really upset SeokJin, but before he could back out the older whirled around to face him. He huffed out a breath and suddenly became animated, becoming the no problems at all Jin that everyone knew and loved. Namjoon placed a hand on Seokjin's lower back before he waved hello to Jungkook, kissing Seokjin on the cheek, and then shuffling out with a group of senior students.

"Jungkook." Jin leveled, his gaze was bordering on a glare, but more than anything Seokjin just looked really tired. His tie was crooked and his hair not arranged in the perfect sculpture shape that it usually was in. He had bags under his eyes, and very very little patience in his voice.

"Can I talk to you somewhere private?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, "- it's about Jimin."

"I was about to ask you the same thing, and for the same reason." Seokjin said, tilting his head with a calculative look. "Come, I have an office, believe it or not. The court's lounge isn't the only perk of being - well - being me."



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Jungkook didn't really know what to say as he sat in the luxurious, pink, vintage, cushion of a chair. Jin's desk looked as if it was made from a wood that was carved before the world knew what technology was - which must have been a very dark time from long long ago *cough *cough I'm a millennial

The rest of the room was decorated with either pink or cream accents. The large windows to the right flooded the room with light, contrasting the use of the dark paneled floor. In short, it was lovely, unfortunately Jin's expression was anything but.

"It was reported that Jimin had not attended a single class yesterday." Jin stated blandly before Jungkook could open up to speak. Jungkook could only nod, shifting in his seat as it was sinking in his body and soul. "Jimin has never once missed a class."


"Taehyung reported that the princess was spotted leaving campus. Leaving campus. With you."

"Jin that's what I came to talk to you about-"

"-how you recklessly put Jimin in danger? How you convinced him to ditch school? He's never acted out like this before! He gets hurt so easily, Jungkook, you have to be more careful with him!" Seokjin rubbed his temples with his hand as he leaned against his desk,  "I'm really starting to really doubt your obligation -"

"Jin! Please, listen. Taehyung and Hoseok they-"

"-they'd do a damn better job being a guard then you'll ever be."

That shut Jungkook up, and he knew - really he knew that this was all one huge misunderstanding and that he should be patient, swallow his pride, and put Jimin's safety before his own damn ego - but Jin's comment cut deep. No one believed he could guard Jimin from day one, not one person putting his faith in the boy to keep the shorter safe. Not even Jimin himself.

And Jungkook was determined to damn well show them. Because, sure, he was new to the job - to the school, to the system. But he cared about Jimin probably more than anyone else at this school, and in the short time that the two knew each other, they'd gone through enough for Jungkook to be absolutely positive he'd do anything to protect him. It was really starting to get annoying how no one could see that. Jungkook was doing his best, trying to please the people judging his every move, but even with his best efforts he's in the wrong. He should have taken a breath, explained what Jimin had gone through, and why being away from school was the best option.

He should have. But he didn't.

Old habits die hard.

So, Jungkook clenched his jaw, stood up from the chair, and said something that he almost instantly regretted the minute it came out of his mouth. It was low - lower than Jin's own words which, may have cut deep, but they came from a loving spot - Jungkook's own only meant to be spiteful. It made him sick the moment he spoke, watching Jin's expression change from one of frustration to one of hurt made it a hundred times worse.

"You don't seem to be doing an amazing job yourself, camboy." He has said, and the air went dense.

Jungkook's mouth dropped at his own words, Jin stood there looking equally as stunned - photos of the older were going around the school and Jungkook had absolutely no right, no right at all, to use that against him. The photos weren't exactly clean, and no one knows how they had been leaked, but Jungkook had heard whispers from students about paying someone to buy them. He'd seen as such the first day he had transferred here, when he had gotten lost with Jimin.

The situation must have kept growing from there, and while someone had told him Namjoon had gotten involved in stopping it, the photos continued to circulate. It was easy to find the people who bought the photos, but no one seemed to be able to trace them back to the original supplier. Besides, technically, it was all supposed to be just a rumor, one which Jungkook didn't realize his small suspicion was an actual situation with an real life effect on the older.

Great. Now he'll respect you.

Jin was telling himself to stay calm, to breath, but as Jungkook moved to apologize - Jin swung his hand up and let it rush down slapping Jungkook right across his face. Jungkook's neck cracked slightly from the force of it, and he cupped his cheek looking up at Jin as the older was panting.

"G-get out." Jin whispered, his hands shaking. Jungkook was frozen, staring at Jin with wide eyes. "Get OUT!" Jin screamed, and this time Jungkook damn well listened. He was supposed to find someone to help, help him and Jimin. The one person he was sure to go to, was sure to understand.

Maybe Jungkook really couldn't do anything right, after all.

A/N - Jin is the most frustrating word to type in the entire world because my writing device keeps autocorrecting it to Jim. ITS JIN, GOD DAMMIT. THIS IS BTS, NOT THE DUCKING OFFICE

- Violette 🌷

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