Chapter 15

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Since this book is published, only a sample remains on Wattpad. Content stops after chapter eighteen. Please keep reading with this information in your mind.

Chapter 15

"Yo! Party at mine tonight! Everybody is invited, address is up on my Facebook!" Seth yells during lunch. Everybody starts to talk and soon the entire cafeteria is filled with chatter. Seth smirks and jumps off the table, walking over to his new group of friends. During the last couple of days he manages to be friends with a random group of juniors. To me, Seth seems like the type of guy who would only interact with people his own age, but there he is, talking to younger guys.

"Are you going to Seth party?" Kelly asks, nudging my shoulder with hers. I shrug.

"We'll see if I'm in the mood to party." I say looking over at Seth. My eyes meet with his and he gives me a small wink, then motions for me to walk over to him. I get up from my chair and walk towards him and his friends quickly. They all smirk at me, their hands in the pockets of their hoodies.

"What is it, Seth?" I ask.

"Baby, you'll come to my party, right?" He asks, taking my hands in his. His friends are staring at the two of us. I look down at the ground, letting my hair fall in front of my face as a curtain.

"I don't know yet." I murmur. "Will it be held in the apartment I bought you?"

"Yeah, that's why I want you to come. You're the boss, that way people can't destroy the place completely." Seth chuckles I shake my head lightly and look up to his beautiful brown eyes.

"Alright, I'll come. But I won't drink." I reply and a huge grin appears on Seth's face. "That's good enough for me," He says, placing a quick kiss on my cheek and leaving immediately. My whole body freezes once again. It seems so natural for Seth to kiss me out of nowhere but whenever he does that, I can't help but feel the tingles and butterflies in my stomach.

Kelly walks over to me, her mouth hanging open. "Did he just kiss you on the cheek? Did the Seth Lee kiss you, Ella Perry?" She asks, shaking my arms. I nod my head and let out a small snort. Kelly rolls her eyes, "How can Seth Lee like you? You're the most ungirliest person out there."

"My snorts brings all the boys to the yard." I wink and stretch out my arm to the right like a model while moving my hip to the right a bit. Kelly starts laughing and grabs my arm, dragging me out of the cafeteria.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Where's Calvin?"

"Oh, he's visiting his relatives in Alaska. At least that's what he told me."

"I hope his Calvin Klein boxers keep his jewels warm."

Kelly and I got to Seth's party around 11PM. Judging from the way it seemed outside, the party is in full blast already. We enter the building and I lead Kelly to the apartment Seth's staying in. We walk inside and I'm blown away by the interior design. Everything looks really expensive and well put together. There's a small hallway to the right with three doors and another hallway to the other side. Most of the people are sitting around in the living room and drinking, some are even dancing. Out of nowhere, a blonde haired girl walks over to us.

"Hey, you must be Ella. I'm Melanie, I live with Seth here." She smiles, showing me her incredibly white teeth. I take a look at her outfit: a white tight dress that comes down to her mid thigh and white high heels. Her outfit made her already tan skin look even tanner. Her blonde hair is pin straight and reaches the top of her butt. All in all, she looks flawless.

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