Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"You're a fucking idiot, I can't believe you," I yell at Seth as I wipe the rain from my eyes, probably messing up my mascara and eyeliner in the process. My clothes are soaking wet and I can feel my body shivering a bit already. It's definitely not good to stand in the rain with only a dress on.

"Ellie, baby, please listen to me," Seth pleads. "I didn't mean to do that, I swear!"

"Oh, so you thought it would be normal to punch some guy who was just dancing me and then pretty much call me a slut?" I angrily mutter, pulling my arm from Seth's grip. "I don't even want to look at you right now, you disgust me." I finish my speech and turn away from Seth, stomping away angrily.

I don't have a clue where I'm going right now but all I can say is that I never want to see Seth Lee again, no matter what he does. I thought he's a nice guy but he turns out to be just like the rest: an asshole. That's all he'll ever be.

3 hours earlier.

"Ella, come on!" Kelly whines, pulling my arm. For the past hour she has been trying to get me to go to this party happening at Jason's house but I'm not the party type. I've heard so many stories about how the girl always ends up getting almost raped and someone will get so wasted the entire house will be filled with puke. I'm definitely not in the mood to see that. "What do I have to do to make you come with me?" Kelly sighs and I grin.

"If I come will you shut up?" I ask and Kelly immediately squeals. She starts going through my closet in two seconds and throws different dresses and skirts onto my bed, in hopes that she will find the perfect one. I look at the tiny pieces of fabric on my duvet and cringe as I think about the time I bought all those dresses. Never in my life have I worn them though. As you can imagine, I'm not really the party type as I've never been to one in my life.

"This is perfect!" She announces and brings out a black sequinned dress from the back of my closet. My mother bought it for me about two years ago, thinking I might need it. Obviously I never wore it, until tonight. To finish the outfit, Kelly gives me a pair of high heels and then starts on my makeup and hair.

After forty minutes of pulling, slapping and yelling, she's done. She turns me around and I look into the mirror, gasping. The girl sitting in the chair looks gorgeous. My hair is curled in small waves and Kelly has applied a light amount of makeup onto my face, making me look prettier than before but no like the girls in my school who cake on makeup.

"You look gorgeous," Kelly gushes and hands me the dress. "Now put this on, tiger, and we're ready to go." I roll my eyes and put the dress on in the bathroom. It hugs all of my curves perfectly, making me look better than I normally look. I slip on the pair of heels and step out of the bathroom. Kelly gives me one final look and smiles. We walk downstairs and see River standing at the door. He looks at us and I can see clearly he doesn't approve my clothing.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" He asks.

"We're going to Jason's party," Kelly giggles. "Everybody is invited so we thought we might as well go too." She opens the door before River can say anything else and we walk down the street. As we're walking I realize that it was a bad idea to come outside without a jacket. Even though it was early September, the nights were still a bit chilly and I'm not in the mood to freeze to death.

Shortly we reach Jason's house and it looks like the party has been going on for a couple of house. The front yard in completely trashed with a large amount of red cups and people are dancing with minimal clothes on and cigarette buns are everywhere on the ground. I cringe as I see many people making out and groping each other like they're at a porn scene. Kelly laughs at my face and we walk towards the house.

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