Author's Note

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I would just like to take a moment to thank these absolutely fabulous individuals!

Thank you so much to sammahabib for the amazing book cover!! I absolutely love it! But not only that but for continuously being the brilliant human being that you are! Your support and kind words always make a huge difference to me!! I wouldn't have continued writing if it hadn't of been for your encouragement.  💕💕💕

Thank you hey_casbutt13 for all your great editing! As well as always being there to listen to me rant and my annoying ass whenever I'd be so ready to give up. You've been a huge help! ❤❤❤

Thank you Scarlet33 for assisting and advising me about bipolar disorder, USA,  struggles faced by black individuals, Christianity. And so much more! You've really taught me a lot, I'll forever be thankful. 💖💖💖

Meaning this book solely belongs to me. I do not give permission for my work to be used or adapted in any way.
So if you do see my work being published on wattpad under a different account or on any other platform, please let me know. 

If you're an arrogant, egotistical, homophobic, racist, narcissistic, anti-feminist, bigot then this is not the book for you. So please, kindly, fuck off. 

Also, this book is going to be intense.
There will be discussion about mental health issues. There will be some suicidal ideation, so only read if comfortable with that.
There will be mention of growing up gay in a strict religious household (Christianity).
There will be discussion about black lives, and about growing up as a person of colour.

So I'm only going to say this once, if you do not agree with any of the topics mentioned above please fuck off. I won't bother replying to your comments, I will simply remove, block and report. I will NOT tolerate ANY hate towards my characters or readers.

So if this offends you, even just a little, and you're still reading, then I'll say it again, get the fuck off this book. 

All hate comments will be removed and reported. 

I'd just like to take a moment to say that I fully support the BlackLivesMatter movement. I will not tolerate any racist or ignorant behaviour. It's time the world stopped hating people for something that a person is born with. It just doesn't make any fucking sense. It's time the world was properly educated. Why is it that people are hated for being a certain colour? Or for choosing to love a certain person? Or for being born with an illness/disability? Or for being born a certain sex? And then why does the world hate them more when they try to change themselves? It really breaks my heart. Why do these things determine a person's worth? A person's autonomy?

It's up to us to change the way the world is, and to spread awareness. If you want the world to be a better place then that change needs to start with you as an individual. The change you make as individuals directly affect the world around you, and hopefully one by one we're all accepted regardless of race, sexuality, gender, disability. The dominoes will fall one by one, it might just take a while but that does not mean you stop implementing change because one day change will come, as long as you don't give up. 

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